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  1. No Romeo on the 1st-Team The writer makes a good point, but what do you guys think about that?
  2. The people who have said that it's impossible for Miami, Akron and Can't to all be on the same side of the bracket are correct. The 1 & 4 are on one side and the 2&3 are on the other, and since those 3 teams have already secured byes . . . Question: Say Miami wins out and Akron losses to Can't on Saturday? Who wins the tie-breaker for the #3 seed between MU and UA?
  3. I'm of the opinion that the "biggest game ever" in the Akron/Can't rivalry will be when these 2 teams run into each other at the Q next week. It's bound to happen.
  4. Gotchya. That could be correct.
  5. The posts that claim you go by record against common opponents, one opponent at a time are correct.However I do not believe this goes by team w/ best record. I believe it's done by seeding, meaning that your records vs WMU/NIU should be investigated since one of those teams will end up with the 2-seed.
  6. Could you guys do me a favor and see if my ear drums are lying around the JAR somewhere?Seriously the player introductions was the loudest that I've EVER heard a PA system in any venue ever. The last time I've been to a game at the JAR was in 2003. Is it always that loud? For a moment I seriously thought that the sound system was going to explode. Nice job on the win, we tried to make a couple of runs late, but couldn't do it. Good luck with UB and Can't this week.
  7. While I do agree with you guys about the Can't State fans, I seem to remember two people with the last name Hipsher (Andy and Mrs.) flipping off fans in both Athens and Can't. I realize neither person is affiliated with your program any longer, and you guys are better for it.
  8. Actually, it sounds like the story is over based on what Dambrot has said in recent days, I would guess that this will not be pursued. Also, I can appreciate that you weren't the person making the sensationalist claims, but there's a large difference between a major and secondary violation of NCAA guidelines. Not to mention the fact that to normal fans there's a huge difference between Webber accepting thousands upon thousands of dollars from a booster and Townsend and Mr. Walther having a prior relationship of public record. To insinuate that these things were on the same level before any information was avalible, was again irresponsible journalism by Mr. Rasor.
  9. The story was good . . . what everyone is complaining about is the lead-in that promissed a violation of Webber/Troy Smith proportions. Exxagerations like that in trying to build buzz for your story are irresponsible, and the reason that you're getting so much backlash about journalistic integrity now, IMHO.
  10. I think you're making this up . . . Wood blew out his knee long before the OU game last season . . . you guys were still in OOC play if memory serves . . .
  11. Yeah, I remember seeing you guys last year (when Rob and Mike were in the band) in the first round of the tourney. One of the better sounding bands in the MAC IMHO.
  12. Hey Zipsbandman, ::Off topic alert:: Do Rob Churgovich and Mike Ramos still play in the Akron basketball band? Just curious. . .
  13. I thought Hollingsworth played like crap during the OU game. Tarver did have a really good game though, I think a lot of that could have been Ohio's problems stopping dribble penetration though, and Tarver's quickness and ability to draw the foul.
  14. Hey, at least she has an idea AND a reason WHY that idea might work! I call it a step up.
  15. Hey Zips, congrats on the new board! Seriously, top of the line.
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