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Everything posted by AkronURocks

  1. Thanks Zipsrifle....I think I will stick with the Zips on the radio since I like Stams. Now if I could only silence Steve Flem-hacking French and figure out a way to make us score. I don't know whats worse, the fact we are losing 7-0 at the end of 3 quarters of that there are only 3 of us on the board during a road game. Where is everyone?
  2. Tons of props to the D for forcing Buffalo 3 and out over and over again. Too bad the offense can't do a damn thing. Is it Ferguson time yet? This is pathetic.....
  3. Maybe I should tune into Buffalo's broadcast too....
  4. Now another personal foul!!!! Are they even in FG range anymore? This is ridiculous and we don't even know who the penalties were against!!!! What are Steve and Joe doing over there? Two game changing penalties and you can't figure out who they were called on. Between the play of the zips and lack of distraction i am ready to throw my radio against the wall. And now a missed FG. This is bad, bad, bad news......
  5. Don't most broadcasters have a cough button so we don't have to listen to them hack up their lungs? There! He just did it again. I am going to be sick if I have to keep listening to this!
  6. Didn't kick the FG, went for it on 4th down....huh? I guess under these conditions maybe a good call. Saw Army got a FG blocked by CMU in the 1st half. Another 3 and out by Buffalo, now we need to tie this game. I am going nuts over here! Is steve french coughing in the mic every two minutes or is it just me?
  7. We need a huge 2nd half like i need a million dollars. From the way it sounds, Getsy should have been called for intentional grounding in the end zone and it should be 9-0. I think J.D. said on zipslive that getsy is fine. Then again that could always be coach talk. If Getsy doesn't get something going here in the 2nd half, I think we will see Ferguson by the start of the 4th quarter. Let's hope its still a game at that point.
  8. This is bad. Is this really happening? Am I listening to us losing 7-0 to these bottom feeders? Ugh. 30 yards of offense and its late 2nd quarter. So happy I decided not to take the bus to Buffalo. Awful weather, awful football. If we lose this game, I will be turning my attention to soccer until basketball season rolls around.
  9. Hey guys, great board. Unfortunately could not make it down to the Bowl tonight. Zips up 10-7. That guy sneed is a freshman? Seems like the akron u offense is sluggish. If anyone else is on the board, let me know and I will post during the game.
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