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  1. Hixon, Domenik Year Team Base Salary Sign Bonus Other Bonus Total Salary Cap Value Position 2007 Giants $ 360,000 $ 383,000 $ 6,360 $ 275,294 $ 462,110 WR 2006 Broncos $ 275,000 $ 383,000 $ 0 $ 433,000 $ 145,750 WR Blackburn, Chase Year Team Base Salary Sign Bonus Other Bonus Total Salary Cap Value Position 2007 Giants $ 470,000 $ 500,000 $ 155,280 $ 1,025,280 $ 650,280 LB 2006 Giants $ 350,000 $ 0 $ 4,840 $ 354,840 $ 924,840 LB 2005 Giants $ 230,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 MLB Not saying these guys are going to build a stadium with these salaries, but man it would be nice to show them appreciation. Nice job guys good for you!
  2. OK so we have 2 former Zips in the Super Bowl and not a single mentioning of it on our Athletics Web site? what is up with that. Can't State has 3 probowlers and they take out a full page in the beacon. I know signing day is arround the corner. Wouldnt it be cool for those or other signees to look on our page and see 2 former players representing akron in the biggest FB game that anyone can ever be in???i think we are dropping the ball.
  3. PLease everyone remember state institutions do low bidders! so low quality stuff.
  4. Does any one agree that there is a lack of campus marketing for this important rivalry?in the student union yesterday and there is no sign that anyone knows there is even a home game?YOUR THOUGHTS
  5. ALright ZIPS where is the main tailgate area for all the AKROWDY People. Let s find a place to meet!
  6. Hey Mentor Zips why dont you take out $50 fill the tank head 2 hours south may $10 to park tailgate and cheer on the zips and any OSU bar and be blue and gold proud. ! plus imagine being there when we win!
  7. think about this, Akron to host the 2009 OHSAA state FB championships!
  8. so you all realize the zips stadium will not be anythign like ucf......lets look at 19-25k seating capacity with the ability to go to 30k (ability not probability)and the Rush job on this porject will be rediculous.
  9. Everything written on here is pretty much fact. Johnny Long transfering (C-Ya)David Harvey his grades are not even close (C-Ya)Jermain Lindsey is in the same boat, no grades no play ( c-ya) please refer to the www.ncaaa.org web page for all eligibility facts. AS for coaches, where ever you go a coach wants to better his team. whether it be on the field or off. the fact is these kids coming in now, are too many problems off the field, that on the field is not even an option
  10. Your post was not well thought out nor is it even applicable.1. playing at cleveland is dumb, esp eagainst ARMY, they have no fans nor will our students go and buy a $20 ticket $10 parking and $7.50 beers. 2. ho is it other MAC schools go to cleveland and play big teams i.e. wisconsin, ohio state and we get ARMY?????3. You mentioned playing in a pro stadium, well the following weekend they play the buckeyes whos stadium is about 30k bigger so there is not psych going on there..I think we are waitsting our $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and efforts unless it is a bigname team.
  11. YEs 4pm on the 15th in the Field House again!
  12. i can not imagine that our school would turn down any offer, regardless of what the trip may be we played awesome this year and this tourn. would be a great measure of that skill. i hope us not playing is only on the shoulders of the tournament personel
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