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Everything posted by BigCountry

  1. Okay.... does anyone here actually think that the same trustees and president who approved and oversaw the building of Simmons hall, the Student Union, the Rec center, and the overall beautification (is that a word?) of the campus is really going to drop the ball on this one? Every building they've touched has been beautiful. Let's not forget the residence hall that is currently being built and the fact that our rec center and field house rivals any in the nation!Now people think they're going to throw 20k bleachers without backs onto a field and hand it to us...c'mon, you're better than that.I didn't see a scoreboard in the drawing... are we not going to keep score at our games?I know everyone is nervous because they want it done right, but have a little faith.
  2. Is anyone else not upset with the attendance there last night? It was rainy and gross, we had just been upset by cmu and we had 16000 there. Granted it looked like more with the endzone closed off, but 16000 is a good number. It looked fuller than I can remember in my last 5 years here. Especially the student side... it was packed.A stadium on campus would increase that number easily, there would have been 20-25k if people could walk there. Everyone needs to chill out and enjoy a solid crushing over a lesser opponent.Beat Can't next week
  3. Zippyrifle... holy crap... the falling through the cement was a self inflicted fat joke and it went right over your head while you drooled on yourself. You can stand by your point that it's not cool if you intentionally break them, and I will stand with you, because no-one tried to. I'm an engineer, and if the benches are strong enough to hold you while you stand on them (the same weight as sitting and lifting your legs off the ground) but a little bouncing during important parts of the game sends you crashing through, then we have an issue with factor of safety.bobbyake... thanks for agreeing about sitting with the alumni... also, I didn't make it to the greek night tent, but if someone spilled his beer, then he is currently being beaten in a boiler room in the basement of shrank south. Also, I don't think the greeks showed up just because it was greek night, as a community, we are consistently at games because we love our sports. We usually don't wear letters (my whole fraternity didn't yesterday), because we're decked out in akron gear, but i recognize faces and there were alot of us there. I certainly didn't mean to imply that greeks were there only because it was greek night.Also, be sure to bring the beach ball... that thing kicked ass.
  4. Zipsrifle: Enough of your crying. I must have been part of the "frat boys" that were sitting right infront of you when the bleachers broke. You can't be sure that it was on purpose because it wasn't. Everyone was standing on the bleachers and the guy behind me fell through... thank god it wasn't my large self or I might have fallen right through the cement. After it had broken straight through (and knowing that you can't repair that sort of thing) the guy was encouraged to break a piece off to take home with him.I'm sorry if us "frat boys" (in the nastiest way you can say 'frat') had too good of a time there. Looking around last night, removing all the Greek members would have left the student section pretty empty. I'm tired of your type that will sit there and complain about things going on around you, when a year ago you would have complained about not having enough people. I've read your posts about stabbing the ball that was passed around because it was distracting. I guess if no-one was standing on the bleachers they wouldn't have broken... and I'm sure you hated having to stand the whole time. Also, if you'd like, we won't cheer next time, i'm sure it was distracting you from not hearing the PA announcer.I hope in the future, more zips games are on tv, so you can stay home and watch it instead of being surrounded by "us people"Sincerely,Some frat guy
  5. I too have mixed up sitting in the north and south ends this season, and I'm not one who thinks I'm a better cheerer than others... but I will say this: Girls, get your heads in the game. There are plenty of you that cheer, but the ones who just use the student section to look pretty and sit there while everyone else is cheering need to get out. I like looking at hot girls as much as the next guy, but i'll see you up above the bowl during a timeout. If you're hot, then you have the goods to distract opposing teams when you jump up and down... really fast... yeah.Also, to everyone, we jump up and down after we score and are on defense, not other times... got it? And please shut up when we're shooting free throws. We'll have 100 kids with their hands up in the air in dead silence, and one jack-ass going "hey, 33, you're not good at basketball" harharhar, you sure got him, idiot.One last thing, we need to keep cheers going, we cheer for 2 seconds then stop... I think this will be helped if everyone is cheering.Other than that, it is improved so keep up the good work.And to all the O-Boners who said they were going to send up a thousand kids and take over our house.... i counted like 40 people... you guys are lame.
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