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  1. If Swiech play in this game against can't State how come it's not in the play by play on go zips and his stats didn't change???I'm confused???
  2. Thanks ZW for clearing that up as well. I would hate to see a player be written off. These kids want to play. please keep in mind that the players, do read this board. A comment from here could be very hurtful.
  3. is there a copy of the show on line some where?
  4. That a shame to hear. about Steve. Well at least he will get good education for free.
  5. CAN WE GET HIM GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL FIRST......You are tooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Amen Brother
  6. I agree that Akron is a comuter college. and that is a problem. Tere is plenty of advertising in down to draw people so it's not the marketing people.If you think "Zeke mania" will bring more people I doubt. I rember two years ago this board had the same conversation with Travis and Joyce playing. It would take a player like Lebron James to pull that type of feat. It would have to be a winning team. not just for a year but a team that makes the trip to the NCAA tournamet. consecutively.Like I said I before it would take a grass root campain to motivate the students to come to the games, Pluse a winning team.
  7. Well in my opion the nam AK-Rowdies might be a little old fashion for this new generation.for example Pitt have the Pittsburgh Zoo, Duke has the inferno. Pretty cool names if you ask me.For the zips and the AK-Rowdies to get more students to their games, they would have to start a grass roots campian. to change the name and push students to get invole and come to a came. Facebook is a great place to reach thesestudents. The students are well connect their. the players alone have 400 -600 friends on ther pages.It a place to start.
  8. Why isn't steve swiech playing? are you trying to force him out knowing that you will have three big centers with Zeke comming all juggeling for playingtime next year?
  9. I agree with you if KD thought he would not get the same results with Swiech and bardo.I feel Swiech would score more wear as Bardo is better in defense. you would then have a lot more games with closer final scores.
  10. LOL... makes you wonder though, does Ditka have a post move so good that not even Ditka could defend it?Chuck Norris could defend it!Because of Miami's style of play, if we end up playing their tempo, I don't think we would lose by a lot. I'm hoping for an explosion from McNees again!McNees can shoot 3's all night if he is on. that rearly happens though.
  11. LOL... makes you wonder though, does Ditka have a post move so good that not even Ditka could defend it?Chuck Norris could defend it!Because of Miami's style of play, if we end up playing their tempo, I don't think we would lose by a lot. I'm hoping for an explosion from McNees again!If McNees is on he will shoot 3's all day. but that doesn't happen to often.
  12. In all respect yes Bardo did well. However, those status are just him. There is no other team member like SS or Nik to compare.your status are one sided.
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