from what I recall, the one plan actually called for the arena to sit in the area from E state to E Exchange, which includes this building.This news, in essence, kills the idea of the arena in that area. In fact, this really kills the idea of a new arena for the forseeable future. Theres nowhere else that would work that i can see.Ther are plenty of possible locations for a new arena smack dab on The University of Akron campus. Afterall, that's where it should be anyway, if UA wants to be taken more seriously. Let's stop thinking "downtown" and start thinking "on-campus" UA already owns two fingers of land in the neighborhoods on the south side of East Exchange and they are in the process of owning more. They have plans to make an expansion of the campus there with more green space and tennis courts. This would be one viable option for the location of the arena. And, there are other locations on campus that could be used as well. I remember when people would say, "on-campus stadium? ...don't be silly, where will UA put an on-campus stadium? Let's get over the "we are not worthy" mentality and think like a real university should think. Put the arena on campus and leave the city out of the deal. Where there is a will, there is a way and UA can afford to handle the project on its own. UA needs to continue its autonomy while serving the entire community at the same time. Build it on campus and they will not only come, they will also enroll and increase the UA student population.