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Everything posted by Thewatcher

  1. Thats right! There will be beer for the general public to purchase during Football games this Fall!!
  2. Actually, the event was brought in by the company's interest in the facility ALONE... No marketing or current/previous FB staff involvment. So dont put credit where it is not due. HOWEVER, this event is open to the public. That is right, unlike the NFL combine Joe Fan off the street can come and watch.
  3. Option 2 Lot 9 gets an alcohol permit and serves beer to tailgaters!!!!!! if bee can not be in the stadium, get it at least in the lots. Lets start talking to the university.
  4. Understand this! Brian Wagner, was one of the most respected, curteous, humble, hardworking athletes to ever play at Akron. His only obligation is to play hard and graduate. No where is it written that any athlete has a duty or responsiblity to the university they attend BEYOND their graduation. Brian played 3 amaizing seasons and if leaving is in his best interest then everyone should wish him well.
  5. The point of this post was to show that the past 2 AD's have had major FB success and are moving on .. Mike Thomas at Cinci and now Mack Rhoades. Unfortunately the current AD will not live up to the last 2.
  6. MACK RHOADES the previous AD and his new school U of Houston are crushing Penn State.
  7. OK 5 NEW people were interview today in cleveland, anyone know someone that works at the Marriot in Down town? coach I is gone for good, so we have more $$ to spend. no one worth a damn wants to be here since leadership is crap The new coach should only report to the new provost Mike Sherman (Part of the search committee) why doesnt EVERY single FB alumni email the AD on the website and copy Mike Sherman so they (ua administration) know exactly how we feel.
  8. The funny part about a Saturday announcement is that UA as a university closed at 3:30 friday the 23rd.
  9. You may not know this, But TW was not going to re-up Porter's contract.....it took an immediate interviening of the the Presidents office. TW has made poor decision after poor decision.
  10. Here we go! So it is my opinion.....that PW is a good coach, however if brought back alot of the old staff (owen's crew) will be here. Didn't Akron try this staff already? And they too were relieved of their duties. Yes he would be the one in charge, but folks lets think about this, Is PW the one to turn this ship around? Who ever the coach is mark my words THEY SHOULD NOT AND WILL NOT REPORT TO THE AD.......The AD door will continue to revolve and to right the ship we can not keep changing leadership.
  11. Please expect a press conference next Thursday or the following Monday pending the outcome of Wayne State's game. Good Luck Paul Winters.
  12. Unfortunately, a drug addiction by Chris continued into his friends. my only hopes are that the 2 remaining roommates seek help right away. Both already are on this path.
  13. MARK FARLEY... Northern Iowa Head Coach........ Lets see what happens!
  14. STOP! Here are the qualifications..... Make your system fit the tools (players) you have to win and transition to a new style if desired as new players are added. find a way to win with what you have ...... local players create local fans make a connection to the Akron area. Find a way to win,,, we dont care how.
  15. ok, for anyone that does not have a clear understanding of college athletics and the level in which Akron is at understand these points --we will not get Tressel --- or any other crazy named coach you come up with. We do not want Fickel--- Why- we want someone who has succeeded with less! Fickel will take a step down with talent, salary (nearly 1/2 million) budget and total tools and resources at his disposal. Simply put, Find a Head coach from a lower level conference or division that has a PROVEN winning track record (more then 1 season)...... This person needs to be from place with less resources then we have here and has proven their success. If that person is given the resources here at Akron (salary, staff numbers, equip. FACILITIES) they will flourish!!!!!!! This is what Akron needs to turn the corner and move in the correct direction.
  16. Did anyone watch the team head over from the Field House?I hear that is how they will enter on Game day....
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