Thanks for the info Dr.Z! The University/stores selling Zip merchandise could explore all options about getting more Zip merchandise. I realize there are minimums when ordering, but would it be possible for all involved to enter into some kind of co-op in order to meet the min requirements? How about providing replicas with several common numbers for those that don't want to pay a higher price, but make the authentic official jerseys for those that want them? For example, football. Let's say you may order an authentic jersey with your son's number. Most parents would probably purchase 1-2, not counting siblings, grandparents, friends and possibly other fans who have a favorite player. I'm not sure of all the other sport's suppliers (I assume they all are adidas) but authentic jerseys could be made available to them also. Barnes & Noble could prepare a pre-order form for all the sports and mail them to the parents to gage their interest in the authentic jerseys. If the stores don't want to embark on the authentic jerseys for all sports, could the University work with adidas and make this option available with proceeds going to the Z Fund? Just some suggestions that may or may not be there.