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  1. Here's a recent story that the ZTV Sports Report did on Alex Abreu and Carmelo Betancourt.
  2. Another confirmation. I also had two others who have heard the same thing and they are both linked to WVU. One is involved in WVU athletics and is a student. https://twitter.com/Carvelli3
  3. I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but Michael Greene is no longer on the team. He's not listed on the roster on gozips and I have also been told by a few people that he has in fact left the team. Anyone know anything else?
  4. Tom Wistricill Press Conference from the ZTV Sports Report.
  5. http://www.cantonrep.com/newsnow/x14347225...r-home-invasion
  6. This was the press conference after the game on Saturday. Ianello Press Conference
  7. Be sure to follow the Buchtelite's active blog throughout the game. Visit My Website
  8. I will be at the event today. Any question you would like answered let me know.
  9. Any idea where it is located? Hopefully it didn't take the place of the Sizzling Zone or Market. Those where two of my favorite places. Best scenario is if they moved into the vacant Planet Underground space near the commuter lounge. Yeah Sizzlin' Zone is gone. Please tell me Italian Zone is still there. I loved being able to get a Stromboli or a Rigatoni-and-Salad combo in under a minute while half the student population stood in line for 30 minutes at Subway. I figured this new burger place would be going in at Planet Underground, which is already set up like a diner. It's in place of the Italian Zone. Went to Subway just the other day and the sign was up for the new place.
  10. A friend of mine who is an alumni at WVU told me about this today not sure if it has been mentioned here yet. Excited to see this game. http://www.msnsportsnet.com/page.cfm?story...;cat=exclusives
  11. I don't think it's the case that we didn't have "room" for him, it may have just been a case of him not getting as much PT as he wanted. My guess is Speas expected to start this year. I have friend who works in athletics at UA and he told me that when Speas decided to transfer to UNC Poter wasn't a happy camper. I guess his response was pretty much "Go ahead. We don't need you." So I don't know if thats any indication that he was going to be important for this years season or not.
  12. Tulloch and Diaz are gone and will be transferring other schools. As for Genovesi he will remain in UA but will probably focus on track. I never thought Tulloch was all that great. He always seemed to take a lot of unnecessary shots. Best of luck to them all though.
  13. Captain .... Go stand in the corner. You deserve a time-out for that one. can you hear the giant groan radiating from Zip Nation? BIG GROAN from me...perhaps it was more difficult for the kid not speaking english then he imagined. How would he have taken any classes? Afterall bottom line is that they are all students. Why is Tulloch no longer on the roster? Apparently he's transferring along with Richard Diaz. Genovesi will remain at UA but just run track. Personally I never thought Tulloch was very good. Every time he got the ball he would take a shot no matter what.
  14. The Zips last exhibition match Diego was not on the roster and currently is not on the roster on gozips.com. I have been told that he has left the team from one of the equipment managers on the soccer team but wasn't told what his reason for leaving was. Anyone have a clue?
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