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Club Sports @ Akron


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Is there a website for club sports at Akron? Is there still a rugby club team? I happened across a report of BG's rugby win over WMU, and wondered about UA. Kevin Whelan (sp?) was a Green HS grad (year ahead of me I believe) who went from the Zips ruggers to the USA Eagles in the early 80s.

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There is no Rugby team at the University. This spring will be the first season for Club Baseball however.
I'm curious. Does anybody know if it's particularly unusual to have BOTH a varsity version and a clucb version of the same sport at one school? I also wonder how the two programs would interact, if at all. For instance, what facilities will be available to the club baseball team? Will the varsity program "scout" the club program for prospects? I assume the club program would play club teams from other schools (otherwise they's just call in intramural baseball, correct?).
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There is no Rugby team at the University. This spring will be the first season for Club Baseball however.
I'm curious. Does anybody know if it's particularly unusual to have BOTH a varsity version and a clucb version of the same sport at one school? I also wonder how the two programs would interact, if at all. For instance, what facilities will be available to the club baseball team? Will the varsity program "scout" the club program for prospects? I assume the club program would play club teams from other schools (otherwise they's just call in intramural baseball, correct?).
Well considering i founded and am heading up the Club Baseball program maybe i can answer a few of these questions. ;) It is very common to have both a varsity and club version of baseball at a school. The NCBA (National Club Baseball Association) has around 250 teams nationwide split into 2 divisions and most teams have Varsity programs at their school as well(We will be independent our first year so we will be competing against both).Actually, most every major university in Ohio has a Club team including: Can't State, Ohio, Ohio State, BGSU, Toledo, Miami, Xavier, etc...I have not yet had a chance to meet Coach Bangston regarding any scrimmage or exhibition games between our two programs but I would definitely like to make an annual game a reality. I do know that many Varsity programs around the country use their Club programs as a way of finding talent. I know that the Penn State club program for example has sent 10 players to the Varsity team in it's 10 years of existence. We do have use of the on campus facilities for practice and games, though we also have a backup field that will be used for schedule conflicts. Our schedule has not been completed yet so I don't know what conflicts there will be. So yes we will play other schools around the region and starting next fall we will be competing in a conference yet to be determined. The whole thing is obviously pay to play to we are/have been working to find sponsors anywhere we can to help fund this. We actually held tryouts and picked the team last fall (we had over 45 people show up for a "word of mouth" tryout) so if anyone is wondering, the team is already set. Though we will be holding tryouts for next years team either late this semester or early in the fall semester. We have 26 players on our roster and some pretty good talent so if you are looking for another sport to watch UofA beat up on Can't State in, come on out and watch. I will post our schedule on here sometime along with our website link once it's all up and running.
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Here's hoping things work out better for you than they did for the organizer of club soccer at Wright State. For several years, Their club team actually had a bigger budget than the varsity because, as it turns out, its organizer/coach was using money ($60K+) obtained from one of the college's accounts to "promote" the college and cover the clubs expenses. He ended up fired.

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