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Can't State Ad in the Buchtelite

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I saw that article, it's easy to find on the buchtelite website. He's actually making the point against ED... that the stadium isn't appropriate for ED.I recommend the read, it's remarkable how he butchers his own arguments in the first few paragraphs, and then it turns into this rambling piece about being better citizens and limited government.The kid does point out that he's a football player, and looks forward to playing there, but that he has to take a stand for his beliefs. He's apparently a conservative, albeit one who is misguided about how his conservative principles should apply to this situation.

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I saw that article, it's easy to find on the buchtelite website. He's actually making the point against ED... that the stadium isn't appropriate for ED.I recommend the read, it's remarkable how he butchers his own arguments in the first few paragraphs, and then it turns into this rambling piece about being better citizens and limited government.The kid does point out that he's a football player, and looks forward to playing there, but that he has to take a stand for his beliefs. He's apparently a conservative, albeit one who is misguided about how his conservative principles should apply to this situation.
i'm as big of a conservative as they get and that guy is far more than misguided
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Some of the stuff I used to read in that sorry excuse for a paper would almost make me laugh if it wasn't making me sick first. The whole "doesn't reflect the views of the paper" thing cracks me up too. How about reflecting the views of the campus? Unlike the flower children at the school down the road, the Akron student body is pretty conservative in comparison to most campuses. One of the funniest things I've ever seen was in my last year at Akron in '04, when I went back to finish up my degree. After months of printing Bush-bashing, pro-Kerry propaganda bullshit, the Buchtelite sponsered a student election poll. Thinking that they were going to see a huge Kerry victory on campus, I would've loved to have seen their faces when it came back that most of the student body was actually voting for Bush! And then they had to print it in their little liberal rag LOL.

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You know, I worked for the paper back in 04, and honestly I do recall them looking for someone to write in to the paper on a conservative slant. Guess what? No stepped up- and the conservative letters that came in were mainly angry, nonsencial rants.Mike Rasor was probably one of the first conservative staff members the paper had in years.

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You know, I worked for the paper back in 04, and honestly I do recall them looking for someone to write in to the paper on a conservative slant. Guess what? No stepped up- and the conservative letters that came in were mainly angry, nonsencial rants.Mike Rasor was probably one of the first conservative staff members the paper had in years.
I totally believe that. Naturally, because of the majors most emphasized at UA (computer science, engineering, bussiness, etc) there is little interest in the liberal point of view. I bet that on average, an engineering student is less likely to be liberal than a journalism major. Whereas at schools like OU, Miami, and Can't, where the arts/journalism are a more popular major, there is then an increase in liberal minded students. Yes, I'm generalizing...but I'm sure there's a correlation there.Another good point to add---the only conservative minded students with enough free time to send in a well written piece are probably too busy with their studies. When you major in philosophy it isn't as much of a struggle to write a few articles for the school paper. Mechanical Engineering is another story. So that probably explains why the only conservative slants you guys got were endless rants. Either way, I'm glad to see UA have its an independent news source. Those kids work hard at something, just for the fun(?) of it. They should be commended for that regardless of their ideologies.
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