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Radio 1350 upgraded website


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Radio 1350 has an updated website that is cleaner and much less cluttered. However it still has some bugs as I was not able to pick up the Zips radio broadcast today.
Maybe it's no longer bugged. We technically weren't supposed to be able to listen online before anyways.What's up with all the website upgrades lately? Looks like Web Design and programming aren't being affected as much as other jobs.
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I heard the game just fine as well.
Glad to see you guys are able to listen to game but why not be there?? What happened to our 1000+strong AKRowdys ? The ones there are great but I doubt if more than 80 - 100 are showing up. The Zips are playing their butts off and deserve more than 2500 fans!!!
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OK ... OK ... OK why can't I listen to the Zips on 1350's internet stream? I have tried with both FireFox and Internet Explorer. On both I get messages saying that I can't connect. I am tired of listening to that Barley House commercial.

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