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Please note: Any criticism is based on the love I have for my hometown..I was raised on the west side, graduated from Garfield, was actively involved in campus life in Akron...(if you've ever seen the ZPN annual Akron's price is Right posters/show- that was originally my program)The good (great)-My jaw dropped when I drove down 76 and saw the massive stadium tower rising above East exchange. As a resident of Akron, it still boggles my mind that this was even DONE. Nonetheless, the design of the stadium is just perfect for akron. I'm really, really proud to be an alum right now.-22 exchange? Exactly the type of housing that is forward-thinking, modern, and makes the city look more modern and up-to-date.-The campus itself feels different from when I graduated in 2006. It feels more like a major university than a suitcase college.-The new Akron Public Schools that I saw- Innes Middle, Findlay, and Glover, look absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of APS getting their kids these new schools...they've been LONG overdue. -Glad to see that the Inventor's Hall is being used.-The art museum looks awesome as well.-Now that the METRO RTA hub has been moved, Main street is so much...cleaner. Moving the greyhound station there was a stroke of genius as well.-My jaw dropped again, when I saw Rob's. -Auntie Anne's in the Gardner Theater Concession stand was absolutely brilliant. -Relocating Commuter Central to next to Planet Underground, was also a brilliant idea. The Student Orgs have more room, the commuters have more room, its win-win!-Commuter Only parking in the center of campus. About flipping time. It encourages students to walk around more, and still gives commuter Students (who will always make up most of UA's Population) priority. The Busing system is ALSO amazing as well!Now, the bad...- Exchange Street/Zip Strip is not going to look very impressive this first year. Its going to be good for businesses, but bad for general football fans that come. -I HATE the fact that Planet Underground closed. Yes, the business was never great, but if they had let the management do like they should have, it could have evolved into something new! It burns me that every idea the manager had (CD/Game exchange, Stage and Bar) was rejected. I also hate how that that it looks that the students will be getting a Chick-fil-a, because I wanted one all the years i lived in akron!! On a somewhat related note, Campus Palette closing is also sad. -The hotel situation downtown is BAD. There's no reason why the city centre hotel (formerly the Radisson) should have been allowed to get to this point. Part of the blame goes to UA too though, because It seems that Quaker is not being utilized as well as it should be, even in its transitionary state.-Although I like the new science Middle school at the HOF, I think it's sad the HOF is closed. It was never done right though...The mixed bag....- The new development on Arlington Road. Good idea, but I'm sick of sprawl, and now its even harder to get around.- Move-in day...wow, its a mad house. SO many students, and it just seems like 2-3 days is simply not enough to get it done. Maybe they might want to do a staggard week-long move in date, like other schools. All-in all, my little city on the Summit is growing up.

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With the new stadium the Zip Strip is a shadow of it's former self. Even back in my day in the 90's, it didn't compare to the commerical areas near other campuses (Miami, OU, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc). I have a feeling that with the construction of 22 Exchange, things may move downtown more. Either way, it would be great to have an active commercial area near campus to make it feel like other campuses I've been to.

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Fortunately, S Main & the 22 E Exchange apartments are only about 1/4 a mile from campus. I think that entertainment district of downtown has a ton of potential for a college town atmosphere.Unfortunately, most of the remaining structures along the ole Zip Strip are such dinky, delapidated eyesores that I'm hoping the U eventually buys most of them up and simply razes them for future UA development. Party in the entertainment district; clean up the Zip Strip.

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