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I have to say I am really horrified at how terrible they look. I guess expectations and hopes got ahead of reality. I didn't expect a win here but thought we'd have a competitive first half at least show we are a D1 team. Biggest disappointment is the o and play calling which seems exactly like the last few years. Did anyone else expect that the addition of Harris and montgomery would yield, well, something? A more poised jacq? An creative approach? Something??

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Halftime StatisticsScore: Penn State 31, Akron 0First Downs: Penn State 17, Akron 0Total Net Yards: Penn State 345, Akron 9
Hang in there, guys. Unfortunately, Penn State has something to prove. All the negative publicity about how our new O-line/WRs/secondary would suck, how we couldn't reload unlike another school in your area, etc., etc.JoePa just pointed out that State is playing very inconsistently, a statement with which I agree. Little consolation to you guys, but Clark has been forcing the ball, the O-line needs to stay with its blocks better on running plays, etc.
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How do you know whether your secondary sucks or not? We haven't even thrown near them.
what an embarassment....the OL should be ashamed of themselves...i see late in the first half they pulled bates at center....rack the akron D...playing with effort anyway....i've officially had it with brookhart...yes one half into the season...done with that farce of a HC
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Establishing the run is a lost cause. You need to back the defense off first, especially when they're heavy up front. It's football 101, and Shane Montgomery isn't showing that he understands that.
I hope this brings some of the homers back to earth a little bit.
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I gotta say the defense the second half looked great. The offense had a play here and there that looked good, but it just seemed to be the same stupid run play up the middle. Jacq hands it off and fakes a roll out. It never worked once the entire game. The O line looked a lot better in the second half too. Gave Jacq a lot more time to throw, with really worked well on the TD pass. We need more plays like that, but we never saw them.Based on this game, I'd say we have one of the best D's in the MAC. Run defense was outstanding. Pass defense needs a little work, but hey, this is the #8 team in the country. If we keep this up, it should be a great year.Offense needs to get back to basics. Solid run plays with blockers. Good passes. I saw neither today more than 5 times.

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I think all of us at Zipsnation should take some credit for lighting a fire under the collective butts of PSU's defensive front. What an whipping those guys laid on us :wall: Except for the first and last drives on the 1st half, the defense actually played pretty damn well, despite the 3-3-5 scheme. Why can't we ever seem to put a good defensive and offensive effort together????

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If first downs were touchdowns for us in the first half.....the score would have been the same. That's just sad!!!Do we have more than 5 plays? I wasn't seeing very much that I liked on offense. Some (most) of the blame goes to a good PSU defense, but if we can't work in a few nice plays. 1 nice play? Sad.Defense looks alright. Other MAC schools look awful. Even with a crappy 5 plays we should compete.If we would have moved down the field for even a few field goals in the first half and say... 100 yards, I'd be alright with the game.

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What an absolutely pathetic, disgusting and embarassing showing on offense. The defense actually hung in there and made a few plays. Regarding the O, where to begin?1) Which coach should be effing fired for the terrible, unimaginative play calling? How many effing times did they try to run the ball right up the effing middle?2) Jacq sucks ass. I'm done with him. Slow, tentative. Of course, our change of pace QB apparently can run, but cannot throw the ball. Great. Maybe I'm ready to see true freshman Nicely. Jacq and Rogers just pissed me off today.3) I couldn't believe that after the off season of Walt effing Harris and Shane effing Montgomery, the offense sucked so hard. For god's sake, if you're going to blow, can you at least be a little entertaining? How about a little razzle-dazzle, at least an attempt to throw off the defense. Is this why those two are at UA? High school coaches call more imaginative plays than were called for the O today.4) End of the 1st half, 4th and a half yard, and you don't at least make a go for it? Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.There I am at the Barley House (nice showing of Zips fans by the way), watching Akron being slowly choked to death in an absolutely boring grind of a game, while on the next screen over little Navy was on the verge of kicking OSWho right in the balls. They were pugnacious, throwing the ball all over the field, making plays, at least making it fun in their loss. I'd much rather have seen that sort of performance from these Zips than what we saw today, even if it meant a worse loss somehow. How is it that they not only lose, but are incredibly boring at the same time? NOT GOOD ENOUGH. With the university having just sunk 61.5 million dollars into Infocision, this bullshit where "little" Akron gets eaten alive by Big Eleven teams is NOT going to fly anymore. If I'm the new AD I want to murder JD, Montgomery and Harris right now. How many potential ticket sales are lost on a day like this? Dude, it ain't good enough to beat the spread in a game like this. How the eff are they going to get asses in the seats in a town that has typically shown complete apathy toward the Zips? If you lose in the first "payday Big 10 game" every year, you had better at least play close and score some points, make it fun and interesting.Last piece of insane rant: if I'm going to have to deal with mediocre MAC football, can't these idiots at least make the games fun to watch? JD, YOU CANNOT STAY HERE IF THIS IS WHAT YOU PRODUCE ON THE FIELD. Today the Zips lost my interest by the 3rd quarter. That should NEVER happen, even in losses.JD, DO NOT BORE US.Am I really ready for JD to be gone already? I need a couple days to think about that one.

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What an absolutely pathetic, disgusting and embarassing showing on offense. The defense actually hung in there and made a few plays. Regarding the O, where to begin?1) Which coach should be effing fired for the terrible, unimaginative play calling? How many effing times did they try to run the ball right up the effing middle?2) Jacq sucks ass. I'm done with him. Slow, tentative. Of course, our change of pace QB apparently can run, but cannot throw the ball. Great. Maybe I'm ready to see true freshman Nicely. Jacq and Rogers just pissed me off today.3) I couldn't believe that after the off season of Walt effing Harris and Shane effing Montgomery, the offense sucked so hard. For god's sake, if you're going to blow, can you at least be a little entertaining? How about a little razzle-dazzle, at least an attempt to throw off the defense. Is this why those two are at UA? High school coaches call more imaginative plays than were called for the O today.4) End of the 1st half, 4th and a half yard, and you don't at least make a go for it? Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.There I am at the Barley House (nice showing of Zips fans by the way), watching Akron being slowly choked to death in an absolutely boring grind of a game, while on the next screen over little Navy was on the verge of kicking OSWho right in the balls. They were pugnacious, throwing the ball all over the field, making plays, at least making it fun in their loss. I'd much rather have seen that sort of performance from these Zips than what we saw today, even if it meant a worse loss somehow. How is it that they not only lose, but are incredibly boring at the same time? NOT GOOD ENOUGH. With the university having just sunk 61.5 million dollars into Infocision, this bullshit where "little" Akron gets eaten alive by Big Eleven teams is NOT going to fly anymore. If I'm the new AD I want to murder JD, Montgomery and Harris right now. How many potential ticket sales are lost on a day like this? Dude, it ain't good enough to beat the spread in a game like this. How the eff are they going to get asses in the seats in a town that has typically shown complete apathy toward the Zips? If you lose in the first "payday Big 10 game" every year, you had better at least play close and score some points, make it fun and interesting.Last piece of insane rant: if I'm going to have to deal with mediocre MAC football, can't these idiots at least make the games fun to watch? JD, YOU CANNOT STAY HERE IF THIS IS WHAT YOU PRODUCE ON THE FIELD. Today the Zips lost my interest by the 3rd quarter. That should NEVER happen, even in losses.JD, DO NOT BORE US.Am I really ready for JD to be gone already? I need a couple days to think about that one.
good post....I'm tired of us being the little engine that could not and getting all excited about one or two good plays all game. What's even worse about today is that our conference mates are getting pasted by the big ten as well. If you're going to lose at least kick the other team in the mouth. Thank you Navy for showing the MAC how it's done.
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