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GP1 last won the day on September 15

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  1. Let me explain the simple difference between Toledo and Akron. Toledo: Coaches, presidents and athletic directors come and go. The cultural expectation from the BoT, athletes students alumni fans and general community around Toledo remain the same. They want and expect the University to produce a competitive program so the University puts their best foot forward in hiring coaches and ADs. Akron: Coaches, presidents and ADs come and go. The culture is such that the BoT does not prioritize the football program like Toledo does so they hire one mope AD and President after another who really doesn't care about not just the football program, but the entire University. Athletes students alumni fans and general community around Akron suffer because of it to the point and ocean of indifference is created. They expect the team to lose. The football program at Akron fails because it is set up to fail at an institutional level. The results are as plain as day on Saturdays....or Tuesdays.....or Wednesdays.....
  2. Soooo, it isn't an demographics.
  3. You make a really good point. You sound indifferent. I'm indifferent at this point. I don't blame you if you are. Like the WWE or not, Vince McMahon is a brilliant entertainer and promoter. I highly encourage everyone to watch the Netflix documentary on him. He talks a lot about "heat". When someone boos or cheers, that means the superstar is generating heat. The greater the heat, the more important to the WWE the character is. No heat? Better find a way to generate some or look for another career. The Zips football program hasn't generated heat for a while now. It does little to nothing to support the at athletes students alumni fans and general community around Akron. Why would anyone care? We are looking at something worse than a disgusted fan base. We are looking at an indifferent fan base. It's the worst place for the program to be. Crushing a season before it starts is not a good way to generate heat.
  4. SHS was very high level FCS. There isn't a great deal of difference between that and mid to low level G5. Heck, there isn't much difference between high level G5 and P4 but there is a slight difference. All it takes is a couple better players in key positions and you can make that jump to a bowl game.
  5. Do you realize how narrow you have defined the search? Throw in, "and willing to live in northeast Ohio", and maybe we'll fill the spot in a few years.
  6. Simple. Football players are less coachable than ever. It's a societal problem.
  7. I have some news to break. Mrs GP1, the luckiest woman in the world, has been contacted about her interest in the Akron coaching job. Her qualifications include, but are not limited to: *Ability to put up with general nonsense. * MBA from UofA. * Ability to throw back martinis at Ken Stewart's in order to numb pain of losing. * Views cloudy days as a blessing.
  8. Fundamental plays are a victim of the transfer portal. There is no time to effectively practice the basics. Catching a punt inside the 10 is one. Tackling is atrocious. Understanding the game situations is horrible. College football is becoming a bad product.
  9. In addition, his estimated salary at LC is $1.5 million per year. On what planet does he leave the NFL for a coach killing school like Akron?
  10. If Joe wants to coach another year at Akron, the job is his.
  11. Lazy journalism, if you want to call it journalism at all. Charlie has a good life in Miami. Why trade that for Akron? Luke would take a huge pay while trading Last Vegas for Akron. The others are names pulled out of a hat.
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