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  1. The SEC and Big Ten should exit the NCAA and start their own football league. It's the most profitable thing to do now that it's professional football. TV networks would pay a fortune for the broadcast rights.
  2. Respectfully, if you believe this, you aren't following the developments of college football closely. The power of the Big 12 are in the SEC now. It might be a long time before either Clemson or FSU are meaningful contenders again. Rapidly, the SEC and Big Ten took over college football and that disparity is going to get worse, not better. There will be large disparities developed within each league as well. For example, consider Wisconsin dead. College football is just minor league professional football at this point. I watched more Sopranos reruns last night than the OSU game because I'm not a fan of minor league sports. The SEC and Big Ten are completely set up to outpace the other conferences. College football is dead as we once knew it and it isn't going back.
  3. It's been that way for a while. There has just never been a method of proving it until now. If you look at final scores, there a a ton of blowouts every Saturday. Since the best teams almost never play one another during the season it didn't stand out. The playoff is shining a light on how uncompetitive most college games are. If an NFL team loses by more than 10 points, they lost handily. There are tons of 10+ point differences every Saturday. Another way I notice this is when I sit down to try andd.find two competitive games at once to go back and forth on. At any time on a Saturday afternoon, there are 10 games on. It's hard to find two close games. Unless you have a rooting interest or a student at a school or alumnus or degenerate gambler college football isn't very entertaining.
  4. Very interesting. Thanks for posting. I'm always skeptical of legislation designed to help organizations save themselves. The NCAA can't be saved because it's a member organization. If the members want to kill it, they can elect to do so. If 20-30 members want to leave and start their own organization, there is nothing stopping them. The best thing that could happen is for the NCAA to go away and then schools can organize themselves in a way that is best for them. Think of it as breaking up a monopoly. Can anyone give me a good reason why a membership organization like the NCAA should continue to exist when there is such disparity between the financial abilities of the members?
  5. Basketball and March Madness isn't the future of college athletics. March Madness has the market cornered on drunks and degenerate gamblers in March. There is no room for growth. There is a lot of room for growth in the consolidation of college football into a super league with drunks and degenerate gamblers. Someone in the article uses the word "industry" and that explains everything.
  6. What they are asking for could be the best thing for G5 conferences. They won. Let's get away from them and organize ourselves in a way that works for us. If they get rid of the NCAA it could be one of the best things to ever happen to college athletics. The inability of the NCAA to effectively look forward lead to gross mismanagement and they deserve to go out of business.
  7. This is a good point. MAC athletic departments are hemorrhaging money. With or without NIU, the base problems don't disappear. The revenue changes marginally I'm close to 100% certain any ESPN executive didn't bat an eye at the NIU departure and the impact it will have on MACtion. The price they are paying to fill air time in the late fall is amazingly cheap all things considered.
  8. NIU would have done less damage upgrading their logo. Putting it that way, maybe we should be happy all our last AD did was change the logo. Things could always be worse I guess.
  9. Any day now. They have been working on it since 1946.
  10. I'm not saying they are sad or happy. You sad they are happy.
  11. Seriously, who is everyone? A few posters on the internet? The MWC lost Colorado State, Boise State, Fresno State and San Diego State. As far as I can see, they replaced them with Grand Canyon, UTEP and NIU. It's a terrible conference. The MWC can have them. They can add 10 more nobodies and it won't make up for the losses of the four above. I've never by big fan of the MAC expanding outside of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. As soon as possible, I'd like to see Buffalo and UMass hit the bricks. We could have a nine game conference scheduled with 3ooc games. College football is marketing to drunks and degenerate gamblers. We can do that with a ten team MAC. We can whore ourselves out for MACtion with 10 teams just as much as with 13.
  12. People always live new things. Wait until reality sets in. Remind me of an old saying. Show me a hot girl and I'll show you guys who got sick of blanking her.
  13. I find it interesting that I this entire discussion and the press releases there is not a single discussion of how this move impacts the players students alumni fans and general community around the schools.
  14. Athletic directors don't care. It's not their money.
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