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Ampai was running towards a pass which was towards the edge of the penalty box, but he was called for being offisdes. Either during or after the whistle (I couldn't hear it, I was in the front row of the Rowdies), both he and the goalie were going after the ball, but collided in mid-air. Ampai was on the ground for quite a while and yellow cards started coming out.
That was putting it nicely. They were about 4 yards out of the box and it looked like the goalie tried to take Ampai out. He literally shoved him down.
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It looked like the goalie kicked out a leg to trip him up from where I was standing. After that they sent about 8 cops over to keep the students from storming the field.
They're gonna need more than 8 cops for the Hartwick game. That team is out looking for a fight. If they can't beat us on the field, they'll try to take us down in the press by creating a scandal.
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How about the NIU player who gave the finger to the rowdies? I wish someone could ask his coach what he thinks about that after the game.
Oh that was great. There are not many things more satisfying than getting in the head of an opponent so much that they snap like that. I also found it hilarious that some University Police officer started yelling at the entire student section saying "you are embarrassing yourselves in front of delegates from the MAC". Some student then yelled "like we give a sh*t about the MAC!" and everyone laughed and cheered. Then he started threatening in that direction and said "no more profanity!". Quickly some other student in the back by the fence yelled "hey ref you're an A**HOLE!" followed by even more cheers. That cop then gave up.
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