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Can't ranked 2nd dumbest "College Town"

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This article is a little confusing but i believe it's saying Can't State is the 2nd dumbest college town. LINKFrom website:

"After choosing 25 well-known college towns that meet our benchmarks, we ranked them, using four criteria.
  • Bachelor's degrees per capita for the over-25 population: this measured the relative education of permanent residents.
  • Graduate degrees per capita for the over-25 population: similar to above, but more stratified.
  • Median SAT score for the town's student population.
  • Voter turnout in the 2008 election: political engagement, whether left or right, has repeatedly correlated with higher intelligence; our one criteria that measures behavior, rather than achievement."

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This article is a little confusing but i believe it's saying Can't State is the 2nd dumbest college town.
You must be reading it wrong. Can't is easily the dumbest town in America. Do we really need a study to tell us that?
haha, i guess i didn't look at it that way....and it's probably because I spent too much time in Can't a few days ago when i got Pita Pit. I hear the stupidity/leftism slowly poisons you the longer you stay.
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