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:rolleyes: "Screwed" is what happened to Akron and the MAC, at the hands of the NCAA selection committee. Even Erik Wynalda on ESPN said that Akron should be playing now with "a chip on their shoulder". Coach Lolla tried to put a coach-friendly spin on the news, but the facts are the facts. We now will most likely have to go to hostile territory in Storrs, CT and College Park MD to make it to Cary NC, but we've seen both of those teams this year, and beaten the #1 seed, despite it being "just an exhibition".

Wynalda also mentioned another keen fact. Last year's UC-Santa Barbara team was the Cinderella, getting an unjust 8 seed, but going out and doing the job on the pitch, to earn a national title tilt versus Indiana. They were led by their Kiwi assault, and we are led by ours. Let's be like the Gauchos, we both wear blue and gold, and we can give the Whosiers their comeuppance.

Here's to the NCAA :moon:

And here's to our opponents. :gun: Better be bulletproof.

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I was at the Buffalo game as I quickly am becoming a soccer fan. Best way to shut them up is win out. I like our attitude, no need to pull a Gonzaga who groaned about a low see and then lost in the 1st round. Zips are good enough to win this.

On a side note, I had several people at work today mention they saw the end of the soccer game while randomly flipping around. Someone else mentioned there was a 10 minute speical on ESPN2 or some ESPN affiliate Sat night around 1 AM on the Zips soccer team. They were promoting the tourney and had a big feature on the Zips, the best team that no one has heard of.

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Akron getting screwed, imagine that. We all knew it was going to happen. Were we even ranked in pre-season? No. We only made it to the #1 slot when everyone else in the country had a loss. We lose in OT to Indiana and the press immediately says we played a soft schedule. We're always the underdog, and I like it that way. The disrespect will make the Zips prepare even harder and give them that much more modivation. Since we were seeded #9, our opponents will get the idea we're not as good as we are. In the end, there is only one way to shut them up, the same way we did it earlier in the season.


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The Zips poor seeding is all about money. The NCAA wants to play all of these games in places where they can generate the most revenue. This is not the first time this has happened and it will not be the last. If you look at other sports over the last 20 years or so, the same thing happens. The school with the bigger arena or stadium, and larger fan base always gets the opportunity to host. Is it fair? Absolutely not! I think there is plenty of evidence out there to prove that the NCAA screws smaller schools in favor of the almighty dollar. I believe a percentage of the total revenue from everyone of their sponsored tournaments funnels right back to the NCAA. Also, the NCAA is controlled by the major conferences who want to see to it the the rich keep on getting richer. I would like to see all of the smaller schools who have been screwed by them in the past, file a class action suit against them for billions. Until that happens, the Akron's of the world will continue to get screwed.

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