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ESPN3/ Time Warner


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So, its been all over the news that ESPN and Time Warner finally reached a deal and that ESPN3 will now be available to those who get their internet services through Time Warner. My question is when does this take effect? My internet service provider is Time Warner but when I go to the ESPN3 website it is still not listing TWC as a choice when they ask for your ISP.

Since todays game at the Info is an ESPN3 "exclusive" I'd like to watch if I could after I attend a wedding in Cincy today. Anybody have any insight on this?

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This is great news for people with Xbox 360's as they will have a ESPN 3 application coming out this fall/winter. So if you had time warner before you wouldn't have been able to use the app, now you can.

I'm so excited for this... Akron is on ESPN3 quite frequently and it will be nice to not have to sit at a computer to watch the games, but stream them to my xbox instead.

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It should be available to you right away. I have Time Warner and ESPN3 works for me. I just happen to click on the scores yesterday and a box popped up and listed some games that I could now watch.

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong then. I go to the ESPN3 site and click on a game it says my system does not have an accepted provider and asks me to choose who I have. Time Warner is not on the list they give me. Any ideas?

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It should be available to you right away. I have Time Warner and ESPN3 works for me. I just happen to click on the scores yesterday and a box popped up and listed some games that I could now watch.

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong then. I go to the ESPN3 site and click on a game it says my system does not have an accepted provider and asks me to choose who I have. Time Warner is not on the list they give me. Any ideas?

GJ, I'm having the same exact problem. I read somewhere that you must pay for ESPN(i.e, pay for normal cable) in order to receive ESPN3 feed. Do you have cable? Or are you cheap-ass like me who just pays for high speed internet? ;)

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