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14.  The Motor City Bowl is the best thing to happen for the Zips.  I would much rather them go to that game than have to march down to Alabama before Christmas.

15.  Go Zips!

That was exactly what I thought until I went down to the GMAC bowl this year. The parade, hospitality, and atmosphere is better in Mobile than Detroit. I've been to 3 MCB so I know what both cities offer. I'll gladly take Mobile over Detroit any day.

I am sure you are right when it comes to atmosphere but I don't think we would have nearly had that kind of fan support that we did

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I hate to lose, but I sure was proud of the school. Classy move when J.D. and the team applauded the fans before going in to the lockeroom. Hopefully the start of a great relationship between the school and community.

I agree. If we an get 10,000 to drive to Detroit, we should be able to get over 20,000 to the Rubber Bowl. Even more at a nice on campus stadium.

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I was amazed at the number of Zips driving down the Ohio Turnpike on the way to the game. The exit at I-75 was packed with Zip fans. The crowd at the game was even more amazing! Not only were there tons of fans, but it didn't take much to get them cheering! Many other have said it, and I have to agree, I don't think Bowl attendance will keep us out next season. Everyone is whining about the call on the snap at the end. What everyone is forgetting is that we would have had to go about 60 yards in 35 seconds with no timeouts. Memphis was the better team, and deserved the win.....but it would have been great if we would have won after the Gatorade shower. Jabari had a huge game. Luke looked a little too nervous through the middle of the game. He would start scrambling even though nobody was pressuring him. Why do we throw the ball on 2nd and 2??? Kennedy got a lot of playing time and showed a few sparks of brilliance. Their special teams killed us. We always had a long field. In the end, though it was a loss, I think 90% of the fans came away happy. It was a good game and a good atmosphere. I hope we made a few hundred new die-hards this month. There is a lot of excitment about next year already!

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It's true that we would have had to drive 60+ yards w/ no time outs in little time. No real telling if we could have done it, but the problem I have is that we never got a chance to do it because of what easily could be considered a bad call. Either way the refs had established a good handle on the game early and kept it all game. The laundry was flying and it was flying in a lot of situations where some crews may have just let the players play. Just comes down to the philosophy of the crew. Are they gonna hold a tight leash or are they going to let the game play out and intervene only if necessary.

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