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Can't state fans !

Valpo Zip

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Besides the fact that they are so dumb that they couldn't figure out the Stark county trick, i am talking about their attitude here . I have been to Athens (vs Ohio) and to BG and to CSU and so many away games and i never seen fans showing their middle fingers to other fans... Is it that i never witnessed it before or are the Can't staters the worst fans ever ?

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Yeah, I'd definitely agree...I'm all about getting in to the rivalry, but there were a few too many middle fingers and strong obscenities yelled by Can't State fans for my liking...didn't leave me having much respect for them. On the flip side, I have a great deal of respect for OU fans. Their coach stopped the game to tell the students to stop a "Bullshit" chant...the students realized they were wrong and got even noisier, this time in a respectful manner. This all goes back to this "greater than everyone else" attitude Can't State has...

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Not to try and defend Can't fans or anything but the obsceneties were going both was yesterday. The Rowdies were dishing it out just as much as they were. There is definitley a new level of bad blood brewing in this rivalry.
Well I personally saw the fingers coming only from their side but if you say otherwise than it is even worse.I am into rivalry and everything but can't we have a decent rivalry ? i think that we all know how many middle schoolers attend those games right ? What's next ? throwing chairs at each other ?
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