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UA/Beacon Journal coverup?


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Would anyone be shocked if Wednesday or Thursday rolls around and Tressel is announced as the head coach

The optimistic scenario that Tressel and UA publicly denied working on a deal in order to stop public speculation so they could have negotiations in privacy will quietly live on in the shadows until the new head coach is finally announced.

Those who believe in this scenario might be best served by not publicly speculating about it, as a key point of the scenario is that public speculation was interferring with the alleged negotiations. ;)

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Would anyone be shocked if Wednesday or Thursday rolls around and Tressel is announced as the head coach

Not at all. Coaches/AD's lie like a rug all the time to stop or slow down a media frenzy. We just saw it with Urban Meyer. Do you hear any Buckeye 'faithful' complaining that they just hired a liar in UM? And we also see that most Zips fans or wannabe fans will quickly overlook JT's transgressions if he brings success here.

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P.S. Tressel WAS absolutely on campus Saturday. He just wasn't in the JAR during the basketball game. In fact, he was meeting with Wistrcill for many hours that night. The UA employees that are denying it are lying to you.

I was told by someone I respect, and don't think he would have any reason to lie, that Tressel was not on campus last Saturday. I believe him.

you can believe your guy...but UA is a big campus and it's not like no one saw him, plenty of people did.

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