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Rowdy Zip, very well put. You have presented an excellent analysis of the entire situationThe lower blue seats are to this day filled with dead wood. Older adults who still yearnfor the gentile era of division three basketball. They were raised to be sedate. Theywill always be sedate. All we can hope for is for them to die off.I sympathize with you. I am over sixty years old. I am constantly told to sit down,shut up, leave the building. Once, during the Huggins era I was forceably removedfrom the arena because I swear at the officals occasionally and the lady who workedfor the Lord Almighty Jim "I can't coach at the I-A level" Dennison complained.Fortunately, Huggs saw to it that I was allowed back to my season seats. EventuallyGentleman Jim "I can't coach at the I-A level" Dennison left the university and so didMiss Wedgie.This has been the best year in my life span for Zips sports. Enjoy it. Promote it.Tell anyone who will listen how much you like being a Zips fan and what the school isdoing. Most people rarely get input on what is going on because the newspapers,TV, radio all promote that team down state that no real Zips fan gives a tinkers dam about.MSOPHER .. .here's a tip. Instead of bitching about what the arena looked like on TV,drag your sorry a$$ to the arena and help fill it up. I'm going off on you because youcontinually make snide remarks about Akron sports. If you love Toledo so damnedmuch go do your grad work there.

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Thanks for the POV Rowdy.as for the few standing on the sides, that is why the AK ROwdies are so important! These folks have no clue what it means to cheer and support. I think it is amazing that they know to stay standing until the first point is scored!! But with a strong CONSISTENT showing from the Rowdies, they will learn!! See this is where Zippy fits in (from my previous post). When that exact scenario happened, the ROwdies should be standing and cheering flapping there arms at the sides to indicate it is time to stand. Zippy should be running (no shimmering :D ) down the sideline waving his hands to get the crowd up. THIS IS THE REASON FOR A MASCOT. Tending to the children for photographs should always be secondary.Either way, the burdon rests on the Rowdies' shoulders. Can I get down to the seats with the Rowdies being an Alum?? :ninja:

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FearTheRoo and GoZips, hope to see you both @ downtown Paninis for the Bracketbuster. You're both welcome at our table the whole night. I'll be the guy in the Zips hat with a Zips sweathirt on ;) P.S. LOL @ the date stickers...even though i did have a couple of those. They stopped those in '01.

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