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ATTN: All AK-Rowdies

Bleacher Bum

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I'm sure that most everyone that actually posts on these boards is true to the team and tries to go to as many games as possible, but I know there are some lurking skeptics out there.I'm calling you all out to get off your butts and get up to the JAR for the OU and Can't games. Don't make excuses. The team needs us and we need to be loud. The ratio is awful between students who signed up to be AK-Rowdies and those students that actually show up. Zips Athletics asked students what would make them come to games, the students responded, and Akron has gone well past meeting your demands.Everything is in order. We get free stuff at every game, the best seats in the house, and the team is doing awesome this year. And still no one shows up. What's up with all you chumps? I'm calling out all you slackers who signed up for the free shirt and then hit the road. I challenge you all to go to the game and be as loud as you can. And I'm not talking about being loud just during the game. We need to be getting on the players from the other teams before the game and during timeouts. We should all be bringing signs and acting like all-out A-Holes. The OU game is on ESPN2, on national television. Our fans got great exposure for the Motor City Bowl and we looked like a school that cares about our athletics. The football team snuck in the back door last year and took advantage of the situation. The basketball team has been amazing all year. We need everyone to participate to pull off what we have planned. Now, this brings me to what is planned. There is a meeting on Friday at 6PM in the JAR to fill everyone in (It's a secret). We got cheer sheets to prepare everyone to make noise. The NCAA won't let us have noisemakers inside arenas, so we need to make as much noise as we can with our mouths. The other teams should not even be able to communicate on the floor. We need to be THAT loud. If you watch a normal college basketball game on TV, the home fans are always amazing. We need that advantage. I expect the announcers to comment on how loud it is and how its causing turnovers.There it is, fellas. I'm calling you out. Get your butts to the game or prepare to Fear the Roo!

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So this secret meeting is going to be midway through the 2nd half? (Gametime is at 4 PM). Personally I think a de-fense (not the corny z-fense) chant alternating with the jumping up and down and making general loud noise would work. Also, we need to work on the free throw stuff. I'm telling you...the two most effective things to do:1) When a player is at the line, everyone yells dribble each time they dribble, they scream shooooot when they go to shoot...it works!2) Sway back and forth...the front row starts right then left and so on...the next row up does the opposite, and so on....it creates an amazing effect and messes with the players balance.

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Sorry for the mistake, didnt read closely. I'm going to be totally honest with you. I think the chances of getting a large enough group together to make the meeting worthwhile on a Friday evening at 6 PM are slim to none, especially if people really have no idea why they are going. I'm not trying to be a prick...so please don't think that...I'm just saying, I don't see it happening. A better bet may be to say 2 PM at the JAR or something...just my two cents.

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Yea there should be an email out sometime tomarrow. Friday is our best bet because Saturday at 2 is out of the picture because the place is set up for the game and too very hard to close the jar down on game day. Friday at six may be hard but i hear that something FREE is in the mix. So come one come all we need a great turnout. Trust me it will make us look so much better on saturday if we pull this off. :screwks::D

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I will post a cheer sheet on this board when it is finalized. I thank alot of you for the ideas and we plan to make this game ridiculously difficult for OU to play. The meeting is not a secret, I used the wrong word. I was referring to a huge SURPRISE that we are busting out for the OU game, but you need to come to the meeting to find out about it before the game. The meeting is at 6:00 PM in Rhodes Arena Room 40. Papa John's is providing pizza, so make sure you're there for free dinner. Here's the e-mail that was sent to all the AK-Rowdies...-----This week for AK-ROWDIES:Thursday-Saturday at the ONAT our swimming and diving team will be competing in the MAC Championships! Come out and give our women the home pool advantage!Saturday we also have a huge men’s basketball game vs. Ohio University. We will be honoring the men’s soccer team with a presentation of their MAC championship rings. We will be retiring a couple of former Zips hardwood greats in Eric McLaughlin and Larry Jenkins. One of the student prizes will be a contest for a 2GB iPod Nano. This game is being sponsored by Greek Life and we are even giving away two round trip airline tickets courtesy of AirTran Airways and Akron-Canton Airport to the student that comes dressed in the best looking toga! Because of the Greek theme we are also hooking up the fraternity or sorority that brings the highest percentage of their chapter to the game with MAC Tournament tickets! If that wasn’t enough we will be giving the sorority or fraternity with the best banner and use of the United Way theme and Zips logo pizza parties for the next home game vs. Can't State! But wait, there’s more! We will also being giving away a year a free pizza from Papa John’s, Mary Coyle gift certificates as well as honoring our Touchdowns For Tuition Scholarship winners!This game which is on ESPN2 is a chance to show the nation what AK-ROWDIES are all about on a national stage. This is your chance to shine when it counts. A group of AK-ROWDIES’ finest are getting together in room 40 of Rhodes Arena on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. to go over cheers for the game. If you want to start tradition there is no better place than right here. This will be the first ever AK-ROWDIES pre-game cheer party. Papa John’s will be providing pizza for this inaugural event! Don’t be history, make history!Be on the lookout for AK-ROWDIES exclusive ‘MAC PACKS’ coming soon for the MAC Tournament at The ‘Q’!-----

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I am missing something.Do the rowdies organize here (on this site)???If so, I am skerd, cuz it doesn't look good for you. Not much organization at all.I have no choice to assume you organize elsewhere (on campus, other website, etc) and you are only coming here to wrangle up the stragglers who drifted from the normal channels.

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The AK-Rowdies send out e-mails every week and they also have message boards on Facebook and MySpace. I'm pretty sure they have actions with the dorms as well. We meet together at Men's and Women's basketball games, but that is pretty much it. We only had one meeting in the beginning of the season and TONS of people showed up. Unfortunately, I think they all just showed up for the free shirt. Then there was winter break, then the MAC schedule started and people seemed to stop caring. There are great incentives for students who attend games. Our meeting on Friday is to try to get everyone back on the bandwagon that we have lost over the season. If they don't come back, it's their own loss, because things are really getting exciting at an awesome time. I'm just on Zipsnation trying to get everyone riled up and as excited as I am for these final two regular season games. I know everyone jumps on board for the postseason, but we got two huge home games coming up that we need everyone to be at.

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I honestly think the turnout this year has been great, especially considering what it used to be. They used to have to beg people to just sit in the student sections...now it is pretty full for most games. The only two I can think of that disappointed me were Buffalo and BG, and BG was on Valentines Day...like it or not that's going to hurt attendance. Overall, I couldnt be happier. As for the meeting, I hope you guys setting up this change or whatever send out an email discussing what's going on. I, like many others who plan to go Saturday and sit in the student section, can't make it at Friday at 6. I don't now what being planned, but if it is truly something that has the potential to be really cool, I'd have Matt send an email out to the AK-Rowdies mailing list...otherwise, about half of the people will know and whatever is planned will fail miserably...just a suggestion :thumb:

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