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Way to go Students

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Ak- Rowdies and student fans,I must say that every one did a good job for the most part on Saturday. You guys and girls cheered long and hard, you worked the players and coaches which was a very nice touch to the JAR. I thought that you guys handled yourself's in a classy manner. I respect the fact that all of you showed up. From what I heard things looked pretty good on ESPN2. On The Rowdy I hear it worked well for some and not so well for the others. So what I am asking is if you will post some of the good and bad things so we can work on improving things for the Can't game. I am pretty sure we will be having a Can't think thank to come upwith cheers and fun stuff for the game. I will keep you informed on when and where that will be. We all need to work together to make the Ak Rowdies the best student section in the nation. So if you have any ideas or comments please post them. I read alot of post that had your problems and concerns on them, I will try my best to get to the bottom of some of these things and Check into some of the problems. To the O Zone fan who gave us props: Thank you for the nice coments that you gave about the section, it means alot. We respect your program and wish you the best. I hope you guys had fun because I know I did;Go Zips

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