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Calling all Rowdies

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Rowdies,First off all good job Saturday, I had fun and hope you all did as well. But as you know its time to get back to work. There will be a Rowdy at the Q. This issue will be a bit different seeing the limited amount of time we have. There will be information and cheers about some of the schools that we will be playing all on one sheet. So if you have any cheers for: Buffalo, Ohio, Toledo, Western Michigan please email them to me by 7:00 P.M. Tuesday March 6 2006 at golliein@ aol.com the subject Ak-Rowdies. I need everything by that time so I can put it all in to "The Rowdy". We will be playing Western Michigan On Thursday at 2:00 P. M. at the Q. Make sure you get your tickets they are going quick.I was looking at ESPN today and found some NCAA Possible Brackets that looked like this: Auburn Hills(5) Pittsburgh (21-6) (12) Florida St (19-8) (4) GEORGE WASH. (26-1) (13) Can't ST (21-8) / MAC They have no faith in Akron and they are saying Can't is going to the Dance. Lets show the world who we are. Suk will be lucky to get past Buffalo.I know we have our hands full but I think the Zips will get it done.Be there Rowdies,Go Zips :rock:

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