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Edit: Also, nonprofit does not necessarily mean you cannot sell ads, make partnerships, etc.. The Buchtelite is nonprofit yet we sell ads. From my understanding, there are small hurdles that probably wouldn't hold back the Zips from being broadcast on WZIP.
Okay, now I'm a bit confused again. Could, or could not WZIP carry Zips football & b-ball with our corporate sponsor ads and remain a 'non-profit' station?
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Not that this is about the Buchtelite, but I'll say it's far from worthless. Of the hundreds of college newspapers I've seen, the Buchtelite ranks among the top when it comes to university sports coverage.I've never met Tom, so I don't want to pass judgment. However, everyone who works/has worked for him says he is the nicest guy in the world. Very professional. Very classy. On the other hand, several people have said he's a scumbag. I really don't know who to believe.My only contact with him was when he refused to comment on a Buchtelite story about them cancelling the gospel programming on the weekends.By the way, I know for a fact that the athletic department approached Beck about broadcasting the games a couple years back. In fact, a guy who is worshipped here told me that. It WAS NOT the athletic department holding that deal back.Edit: Also, nonprofit does not necessarily mean you cannot sell ads, make partnerships, etc.. The Buchtelite is nonprofit yet we sell ads. From my understanding, there are small hurdles that probably wouldn't hold back the Zips from being broadcast on WZIP.
The Buchtellite has had a few real morons write for them in the past, and I think that is why you recieved the "no comment". Unfortunately, these idiots have at times overshadowed the always-top-notch sports coverage the Buchtellite has. If some of the other departments became more like the sports department, the paper would be amazing IMO. As for the University and WZIP discussing covering sports, just trust me...not WZIP's fault. Finally, I'm going to choose not to respond to Balki Bartokomous. Looking at his past two posts, I'd probably be better off discussing this issue with the stray cat that hangs out outside of my apartment.
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Let's 'splain this advertising thing.Being a non-profit station means that the FCC sets how the station raises money. It is different than a newspaper. Have you ever seen a telethon on PBS? That is one major way to raise money. WZIP does not do a telethon. Think about PBS again. Have you ever seen a commercial? NO! You see at the beginning and end of a show (and sometimes in the middle) some statement regarding which sponsor brought you that particular program. If you listen to WZIP, you will hear an UNDERWRITING message. For example: "This hour of music is brought to you by Balki Bartokomous. Balki is famous in Akron for his unknown hatred of Tom Beck and his extremely limited vocabulary. To contact Balki, send him an email through ZipsNation.org. Balki Bartokomous making this hour of music possible for you"That's it. No more. I used to sell underwriting for WZIP.I think what would be best would be a commercial station like 640 or 1350 and then a simulcast on WZIP. That way you get the reach and the contract.

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"This hour of music is brought to you by Balki Bartokomous. Balki is famous in Akron for his unknown hatred of Tom Beck and his extremely limited vocabulary. To contact Balki, send him an email through ZipsNation.org. Balki Bartokomous making this hour of music possible for you"
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Akron does not receive money from stations to run their games, they buy the time from the stations and then recoup the costs through advertising. Based on information that has been posted at Go Zips.com the department is under contract to 1350 for another few years. I think the same is true for 1300 AM in Cleveland.http://gozips.collegesports.com/genrel/082605aaa.htmlThe advertising revenue that you bring in has got to at least balance out with the costs of the air time, otherwise you lose money and that is bad.Also, there has got to be a station willing to broadcast your games, which in the Cleveland market is pretty slim. Music stations will not break format for a game broadcast because this kills their ratings. The only way they break format for game broadcasts is if they own the broadcasts outright and make all of the cash from owning the inventory of spots.640 AM does Akron women's basketball, Can't State's talk show, women's basketball & football, Walsh football games and NASCAR, plus select high school games.1350 AM (Liberal Talk) does Akron men's basketball, football, the Zips talk show, and the Akron Aeros, plus select high school games.1590 AM (Newstalk/Oldies) does the Buckeye football games, Indians, Browns, and Cavs, plus select high school games.1100 AM (Newstalk) does the Buckeye football games, Indians, Browns, and Cavs, plus select high school games.100.1 FM (Newstalk) does Can't State basketball games.95.9 FM (Christian) does Akron football games, plus Malone football and basketball games and select high school games.1300 AM in Cleveland (Urban Talk) does Akron football and men's basketball.When I was a student at Akron I worked at WZIP and Tom Beck never had anything good to say about the athletic program. I remember that he said that he had a bad experience with Jerry Faust and that Zip sports would never be on his station again because it took away from the ratings. Beck was a great guy to work for but he just really hates sports and anything that he perceives takes away from his station. He believes that if Akron sports goes on his station that the opportunities to do specialy music shows, student talk, and campus information forums will be dimenished.

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