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New commit: Firestone DE Brennan Williams

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“This is working out real well for Brennan,” Flossie said. “He will being doing the same thing [2013 Firestone graduate] Jerome Lane is doing at Akron. I know Jerome is doing well academically. He is getting straightened out and should be able to play [in 2014].

Good news.

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One of the smartest guys I know said at least 40 years ago that if Akron could just get the best local players to sign with them, they would be a real force in college football. We aren't there yet, but I like the developing trend.

I also have to believe that Joe Akrons' level of interest in the Zips would dramatically increase if there were about 20 locals on the roster.

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Joe Local doesn't give a rat's ass if local kids are on the team. Joe Local still looks at Akron as Akron U and an extension of HS. Joe Local may show up if you actually win games. If you won games with all kids from around the country nobody would have an issue. Wins put buts in seats not local kids. If local kids are good however and they help the team win they will make a difference.

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I would say historically the high school football played in Stark, Summit, and Cuyahoga counties rivals almost any other three contigious counties anywhere in the nation.

I want to see Akron not only recruit those counties and northeast Ohio but also delve more into Central Ohio. Granted they may not outduel Ohio State for the elitest top notch central Ohio kids but it sure seems like a lot of players I see in the high schools here are going to places like Ohio, BG, Toledo, Miami, and this year even that school in Portage County. There have been a few go to Akron from time to time ( Domenik Hixon and Chase Blackburn were both from central OH) but it seems like some other MAC schools are talked about and considered more than the Zips by most. I want that to change. It has already been shown by other MAC schools that Central Ohioans will travel an hour or two to see their kids and homegrown talent in action.

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I also have to believe that Joe Akrons' level of interest in the Zips would dramatically increase if there were about 20 locals on the roster.

20 is a very low number.

Last season, there were 9 players on the roster from Summit county. Also 8 from Cuyahoga, 2 from Stark, 2 from Lake, 2 from Carroll, 1 from Portage, 1 from Wayne, 1 from Lorain, 1 from Ashtabula, and 1 from Mahoning.

That's 28 players from within an hour drive from campus. 28 players with family that can go to every home game with minimal effort.

I think closer to 40 players from the area would be enough to gain some local interest. The problem is, as Bowden said at the signing day press conference, it's good to get these local players but you don't want to take a kid just because he's local. They need to be able to play.

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I would say historically the high school football played in Stark, Summit, and Cuyahoga counties rivals almost any other three contigious counties anywhere in the nation.

You have got to be kidding me. These three counties wouldn't rank in the top 25 recruiting areas let alone be number one. Very poor facilities, dropping participation rates, and terrible attendance are hallmarks of these three counties. Do some research on the following county combinations and see if you can make a case for Stark/Summit/Cuyahoga. My best three would be Tarrant/Dallas/Collin counties in Texas. Second choice would be Harris/Fort Bend/Brazoria counties in Texas. As long as Bowden gets better recruits I really don't care where they went to high school. I agree with Big Zip, the average college fan doesn't follow local high school sports so a local recruit is a non-factor.

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Local players will only matter to the family of those local players. If the team sucks it doesn't matter it the players are from Akron or Alaska.

If we have 85 locals on the team and each has 2 supportive parents we may get an extra 170 people per game. Maybe other family members, friends, etc. Still it won't make a dent.

Winning is what matters.

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You have got to be kidding me. These three counties wouldn't rank in the top 25 recruiting areas let alone be number one. Very poor facilities, dropping participation rates, and terrible attendance are hallmarks of these three counties. Do some research on the following county combinations and see if you can make a case for Stark/Summit/Cuyahoga. My best three would be Tarrant/Dallas/Collin counties in Texas. Second choice would be Harris/Fort Bend/Brazoria counties in Texas. As long as Bowden gets better recruits I really don't care where they went to high school. I agree with Big Zip, the average college fan doesn't follow local high school sports so a local recruit is a non-factor.

Very true. These 3 counties are good, but nothing like areas of Texas, Florida, Cali,. just for starters.

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One of the smartest guys I know said at least 40 years ago that if Akron could just get the best local players to sign with them, they would be a real force in college football. We aren't there yet, but I like the developing trend.

I also have to believe that Joe Akrons' level of interest in the Zips would dramatically increase if there were about 20 of the best locals on the roster.

I added three words to the last sentence to make my point more clear.

(I would underline the three words or make them bold if either of these features worked: they don't)

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