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ZipsNation Publicity

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It would be great to see a story about ZipsNation.Org in the Beacon Journal. I doubt they'd ever do one though. I was thinking that we should all chip in and advertise ZipsNation.org in the Beacon. If those nasty strip clubs can do it (XTC and Lisa's, the nastiest strip clubs in Akron) so can ZipsNation.org.

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Maybe, but find out how much it costs to run a spot on WZIP. I bet you could run quite a few spots on there for the cost of a well placed ad in the beacon.True, the BJ would provide you much larger exposure by quantity, but consider your audience. 90%+ the ABJ readers aren't going to be interested in a zips fan site.... A significantly higher percentage of WZIP listeners would, yielding you a much much higher return on your investment.Also, consider that people are much more used to scanning right past a printed ad. On the radio, something catchy will get noticed.Just my 2cents.Also, consider the 'lite

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It would be great to see a story about ZipsNation.Org in the Beacon Journal. I doubt they'd ever do one though. I was thinking that we should all chip in and advertise ZipsNation.org in the Beacon. If those nasty strip clubs can do it (XTC and Lisa's, the nastiest strip clubs in Akron) so can ZipsNation.org.
Shouldn't we try to find a paper that someone actually reads?
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