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ZipsNation is growing fast

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On August 21, there was 500 members registered. On September 5, there are currently 550 members registered. Let's keep getting the word out there. In 15 days, 50 new members have joined. A 10% increase in 15 days!!! 3.3 new members a day.Does anyone know how much one of those billboards on Rt 8 cost. The one where "on the Hunt" has been would be a great spot to put a ZipsNation billboard.

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On August 21, there was 500 members registered. On September 5, there are currently 550 members registered. Let's keep getting the word out there. In 15 days, 50 new members have joined. A 10% increase in 15 days!!! 3.3 new members a day.Does anyone know how much one of those billboards on Rt 8 cost. The one where "on the Hunt" has been would be a great spot to put a ZipsNation billboard.
I really think that Zips Nation myspace is helping...I know a few people have joined that didn't know about it before. Speaking of...Anyone interested in helping me run that thing? I could give you the ID/password...basically you'd just have to go on here and there and accept the friend requests haha.
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I'm just glad to be a part of it. Myspace and Facebook really have helped, I think. I've been doing the Facebook thing, inviting all of the atheletes I could find from Akron and I'm pretty sure a few of them have joined. I would have joined years ago if only i knew about it then. Getting the word out is a priority. If we get enough people to join, word-of-mouth will do the advertising for us, but that is still a long time from now. A billboard is a great idea, and so would a banner at home games for Football, Soccer, Basketball, ect. :thumb:

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Myspace and Facebook really have helped, I think
What is it, how do I join?
www.facebook.com to join facebookwww.myspace.com to join myspaceBoth are social networking websites...pretty cool. Makes it a lot easier to keep in touch with your friends too. Both are absolutely free as well.Once you join (if you do), you can check out both groups' sites:Myspace = http://www.myspace.com/zipsnation Facebook = http://uakron.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204843519
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