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could we win a rematch against Penn State?

Ryno aka Menace

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Am I the only one who wasn't that impressed with Penn State. We shut down their run game, if the DB turns around on the first touchdown that's an interception. And we need to hold onto the football. My question is this Motor City Bowl plays the Big Ten's 7th place team. I know it is looking ahead and probably a long shot, but just for sh*t's and giggles.1. OSU2. Michigan3. Iowa4. Wisconsin5. Michigan State6. Minnesota or Purdue7. Penn StateRematch indoor dry weather passing attack in effect?P.S. I though the changed the date of the MCB game? The site says it is still Dec. 26th.?

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You weren't impressed by Penn State? Boy, I sure was. They are big, fast, skillful andwell coached. They outplayed, out athleted and out hustled the Zips. Worse they committed far fewer mental errors. All in all, PSU is simply a better team.Your evaluation of the Big Ten is way off in my eyes. Penn State should contendfor the third spot with Iowa. The Motor City Bowl is likely looking at Michigan State orMinnesota as the eighth placed BT team. Most likely the Suckeyes will be in the titlegame of the BCS making the number two BT team the number one team in their bowlbid stack.Penn State, wet or dry, is about a two touchdown level better than Akron. Actually,that means we are the BEST Akron team we have ever fielded in the history of the school. The talent level is way better than just two or three years ago.That puts the Zips in good company. About fifth place in the Big Ten standings. Few BTschools are going to fair any better in Happy Valley than Akron did. The kids playedtheir hearts out. They never quit. I like this team and its chances. Sure, there arethings to fix. JD will get them corrected. I do not think there will be a midseason letdown like last year.If its true, and it generally is, that a team makes the most progress between its first andsecond game, Akron is likely to "upset" North Carolina State. We sharpened our clawson a far better opponent in our opener than did NCSU. We pushed PSU enough tohelp them build for a real shot at upsetting Notre Dame. Had PSU played a doormatAkron team of the past or some other patsy they would have no chance against an NDteam that opened against a quality opponent who stretched them.While I personally despise "sportsman <gag> Joe Pa I would love to see PSU beat theIrish (and I'm a Catholic). Makes the Zips look better, too.

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we did not take adantage of the turnovers. if we play in a dome the offense should score more points.penn state defense did impress me. the d-lineman can all run. all i know is alott of thier fans were predicting a blowout becuase of 2004. this team is alott improved on defense.the 2004 offense because of fry and co was still pretty good.

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Never saw never with the MAC but if Penn St falls that low to be put in the MCB bowl, they may even skip it.In all seriousness, it may be a good matchup as both teams will have worked out all the kinks by then. If Penn St. establishes a ground game, it would be a blowout, but if the Akron defense can slow down the Lions attack, Akron would have a good chance.

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I swear some of you miss the point! I said for Shitz and giggles, everyone know PSU will not finish that far dwon in the big 10. But....follow me for 1 minute. Everyone knows it is hard to beat the same team twice and the rematch would be in a neutral site. Better yet, The score was 17 - 9 in the third quarter, we stop PSU and force them to punt.....BUT we dropped the punt return on which they scored. I think that single play took the wind out of our sails. If we score and go for 2 it's tied at the middle to end of the third quarter. In dry weather maybe he wouldn't have dropped the punt, if it was a home game for AKron maybe he wouldn't have dropped that punt...ANd yeah i know if if's and and's were pots and pans this world would be a kitchen....I guess I am really excited and confident in what i saw from my ZIPS this past weekend!!

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For shitz and giggles that is funny.. PSU will be a great team by year's end.. Don't think the Zips could hang with them like they did Saturday..That said, the Zips will also improve.. ie: turnovers dropped passes, penalties ...Another MAC championship in the making..Good luck the remainder of the year and hope for no injuries.... :cheers:

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