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Tickets for Can't


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It's ludicrous to think that UA fans attendance at one Can't game is going to suddenly generate enough revenue to get their program out of the toilet. Go to the freakin' game... there is NOTHING worse than playing an away game at your own stadium. Hopefully UA fans will outnumber Can't fans there this year.

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For all the talk I've seen about trying to get more of a following in NE Ohio, I can't believe that someone wants to boycot this game. We need these games to SELL OUT. That indicats this is a rivalry that people in the community want to see. Word of mouth will generage some buzz around the game. Local media will see this as an important sporting event that needs to be covered, hence, it will get more exposure. Pounding on Can't will only reinforce FACT that Akron is a superior, up and coming program. We all know the type of frontrunners most Ohioans are, so Akron will get more support.

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