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Men's basketball preview

Dan Kadar

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Hello Zipsnationers (Zipsnationettes? Zipsnationists? Zipsnationalists? Zipsnationistas?).The 8-page Buchtelite men's basketball preview hits our stands Nov. 9 (next Thursday). If you are unable to grab one on campus and want a copy, PM me your name and address and I'll have one sent out to you (absolutely free! and maybe I can have Mikey Rasor autograph it!). The section will include:-a special Rasor's Edge column-5 things to watch for this season-Zips team breakdown-a cover story on Romeo Travis and Dru Joyce-a feature on Jeremiah Wood-a breakdown of the MAC-fantastic/radical/tubular/cowabunga-worthy cover-loads of fresh art being shot on Sunday-possibly something else if we can shoe horn it in-$100 bill (OK, this part is not true)If you would like a copy, I'll try my best to get them out next Friday. If you would also like a copy of our women's basketball preview which is running Nov. 14, let me know and I'll send that out with the men's preview.

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I can't wait until this season starts. This team is looking to be the best one yet!I will definately pick up a copy on campus Thursday. Everywhere I go, I here people talking about the Bball teams, and most of what I hear is disbelief. They just can't believe that one of our sports teams might have something more than marginal success. It is treated like a rumor, going around in whispers, like if it were said out loud it would suddenly be completely ruined.Oh, and I believe it is "Zipsnationals"

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I don't mean to rain on the parade, but people on this board seem way too high on this team. I agree they will be good, but we were just as excited for our bust of a football team. I hate to say it, but Can't will be very very good, and they can easily repeat as champs. That team reloads. They don't rebuild, and they are loaded top to bottom. Also, the preseason predictions are never right in the MAC, and this really scares me. What if Jeremiah doesn't fit our team chemistry that we've thrived on? What if our size does come out to bite us? What if we do not find that fourth guard and we're running three tired guards once again in the fourth quarters? I clearly see potential gaps in our armour.With that said, I like MAC basketball much more than football, and I cannot wait for the season. Maybe we will be something special, but I don't want my hopes dashed like what happened this fall so I'll take the wait and see approach.

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First,Everyone needs to stop comparing the bball team to the football team. The football team had higher expectations than the bball team because they won a mac title. The bbal team got a post-season berth but the football team got alot more exposure than the bball team (brookhart leaving, getsy top 10 QB, etc). Personally, this team has a good chance. In terms of size, of course you are going to have smaller players, we are a mid-major program but this team has depth and I think they will have success. There was too much hype around the football program. I don't see this with the bball team. We are trying to get a MAC title..not defend one (there is a difference).

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the bb -ball team is not the football team.kd is a proven winner.the trouble we might have is woods is not near 100%. we did lose a 6-8,6-9 players which we is not easy to replace.if either of the two freshman can give any kind of pt that may sove alott of the problem.

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Everyone needs to respect Zipsbandman's opinion.No name calling, please. Some of our number have a hard time with different points-of-view. A healty board discusses, parses, is open to a change of mind, gives opinions for whatever they are worth - and is healthy in that it is a mature board that will attract more and more participants.And that is what we want, isn't it?I respectfully disagree with Zipsbandman for the following reasons:1) The football team backed into the MACC in 2005. It has turned out to be success achieved to soon for what has turned out to be an immature team (e.g. the discipline problems this year) and a coach - in his first head coaching stint - that was not prepared to handle the discipline problems. This is a learning year for JD and I predict he will learn and the team will produce in 2007!2) KD has been a head coach before and in that sojourn learned that he needed more self-discipline. His players respect his administering discipline to himself and are responsive. Those who have a problem with KD calling the shots go off the Ohio University or elsewhere.3) KD embraces high expectations and will insist that his players respond. He knows that the only way that there will be SRO game after game after game at the JAR is if the Zips meet the high expectations year-after-year. Take a cue from LaBron (a close associate of KD both in their history together and his thinking). Last night after the San Antonio game in an interview LaBron was told that this was the first win over San Antonio since 1988. To paraphrase his response: "If we are the NBA caliber championship team we think we are - we will go out and beat the best NBA teams on their own courts"Folks if you have competitive talent all that remains is: "a will do attiitude and its concomitant - determination." LaBron has it and so does KD.JD should use the rest of 2006 to grow and develop into the first-rate coach many of us believe he can be!In the meantime, let us all get behind KD and fill up the JAR - no matter who the Zip are playing. I believe the Zips basketballers will meet the lofty goals. Let's hold them to it.

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amen to both zipsbandman and ZipsAnalyst. Seeing as the region most of us live in or have lived in is northeast ohio, and following the (whether you predicted it or not) disappointing football season, it's rather difficult to go into this year without at least a little bit of that typical "maybe next year" NE Ohio mentality in the back of your head. Here's to undaunted optimism and an upcoming vicory over Bobby Knight. GO ZIPS!

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I have way higher expectations for the basketball team than I ever had for the football team. How does one figure that Can't is "loaded from top to bottom"? They might not fall off the map, but losing Youngblood, Haynes, and Warzynski will hurt them a lot. It's Ohio and Toledo that worry me personally. I really think that the Zips are the class of the MAC this year in hoops. I'm the perpetual pessimist (which served me pretty well for this football season), but I have very high expectations for this year's hoop squad.

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I have way higher expectations for the basketball team than I ever had for the football team. How does one figure that Can't is "loaded from top to bottom"? They might not fall off the map, but losing Youngblood, Haynes, and Warzynski will hurt them a lot. It's Ohio and Toledo that worry me personally. I really think that the Zips are the class of the MAC this year in hoops. I'm the perpetual pessimist (which served me pretty well for this football season), but I have very high expectations for this year's hoop squad.
How do I figure? Just look at their roster. Their frontcourt is bigger and more athletic than we are, and they continue to pile on 20+ win seasons year after year under Christian. We're pretty even at forward but we really have no inside presence under center. Singletary is a stud for them and makes our guards look like the smurfs. History proves that they've graduated lots of seniors but there is still no dropoff. They out recruit us every year. They are much more well coached than Toledo or Ohio and they will have their young guys ready come March. They are the team to beat in this conference. Hopefully the zips can show otherwise and prove that they are worthly of the respect that they are being given.
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