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The University of Akron

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Nothing like a politcally correct inoffensive greetings. P C will kill us.Merry Christmas everybody.With ball ammunition lock and load and of course :screwks: .
:iws:What is "too offensive" about Merry Christmas? Ya know, seeing as it is a Christian holiday and all. And seeing that about 1% of America is Jewish and another 1% muslim and another 1% atheist...... I dunno, democracy used to rule. If a Jew wished me a Happy Hanukkah, I wouldn't be offended?...Oh, and the card was very cool! Singing was UA students as well!
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I guess I'm not getting one since I didn't donate to the College of Fine and Applied Arts this year! :P
I didn't get a "Season's Greeting" from the Alumni Association, but I did get a card from the Athletic Department. I'm gonna look again at my diploma, maybe I never graduated, just bought season tickets. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I guess I'm not getting one since I didn't donate to the College of Fine and Applied Arts this year! :P
I didn't get a "Season's Greeting" from the Alumni Association, but I did get a card from the Athletic Department. I'm gonna look again at my diploma, maybe I never graduated, just bought season tickets. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Got home from work...there was an envelope from the U. Could it be my Christmas card????Nope...turned out to be a solicitation letter to the Akron Foundation.Yeah, right...No card, No money!!!! he he he :rock::rock::rock:
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You guys, we did not receive cards in the mail... we received emails. If you didn't receive anything that's because the alum association does not have your updated email in their data base.
I don't really care. I was just kidding.But the Alum asso does have my up to date e mail address...unless they don't even check their own Web site where I'm registered...even have my ugly mug up there. :D;):D;)
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