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New Football Stadium Survey


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My brother called me on Friday to tell me he received a call from UofA. It was a survey about a new stadium. He lives in Columbus and is not a graduate of UofA, but his daughter is a recent graduate and they probably still have her listed as living there so they received the call.I was in a bit of a flu fog, but from what I remember, some of the questions were about multi-use aspects of a new stadium such as retail and bars, lounge areas within the stadiuim for alumni, the importance of chair seating and one other funny question. The funny question was along the lines of it costing approximately $450,000 to fix the Rubber Bowl and should they use that money to fix the Bowl or build a new stadium. I guess it was my brother's answer and not the question that was funny. Being in full knowledge of how bad the Rubber Bowl is and in a state of shock over the question, he said to the person, "I can't believe that question is even part of this survey".Some of you may receive the same call. My brother said it took about 20-25 minutes to complete the survey.

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I just took the survey...I think this is a great sign of things to come...They ask for comments at the end...I added that I would love to see an enclosed stadium to be used for football, basketball and the pro soccer team which the County is attempting to attrack...I know that this will never happen, meaning basketball, soccer ect...Big, big step with this survey!

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Yea, I got the call too. If I remember correctly, the question of how much it would cost to properly fix up the RB was not $450,000, but more like $20 Million. Think about it, to "Update" the Rubberbowl would require at a MINIMUM, new restrooms, probably some structural repairs, and new bleachers for the entire stadium. No way they get that done for 1/2 million. To update it the right way would require a new Press Box, actual seats in the reserved section, and that puts the price tag well into the millions. I was very happy to get the call. I'm glad that the fans are getting to put in their 2 cents.

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