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Thoughts...the basic version cuz i'm tired*zips looked good. Ok, we didnt look as GOOD as they looked BAD. LMU with 25+ turnovers and the zips with 20+ steals, we shouldve won by 60. I guess it's ok for the fellas to showboat a lil bit out there. coach sure didnt look happy.*good crowd, maybe some folks saw how close we were to beating Nevada. Crowd size was similar to that 3300. Fans seem to be a little less afraid to cheer. Maybe we'll have a home-court advantage yet...*Rybak...what's this kid good at? 6 touches, 5 shots, 5 points and a foul.*Maybe Linhart needed some competion at SF. It appears he's playing his best ball of the year with Jimmy C comin on strong behind him.*Nick Goddard has an amazing jumpshot. Quick release too. Kinda wish coach would've drawn up a play for him with 3 seconds left last week. i'll take a goddard 3 over an off-ballance runner from dru any day.*Quade Milum has pogo sticks built into his legs. A few impressive dunks and some good boards. I know he's thin, but how does he knife between defenders like that?*Romeo had another so-so game. I know we were up big, but a leader should be out there 110% all game.*J Wood is FAST. His post work keeps getting better and better. Good to see the confidence coming back.*LMU is BAD. I dont care who they lost, top scorers or not, half their guys looked like they didnt know they were on a basketball court. proof that in college size does not equal good.*Good tune up for YSU. Zips will win by double digits. Hope dru is healthy by tuesday.See you all in youngstown, go zips!

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So, does anyone know when the north student section (in the bleachers) became a daycare center? I sat up there for a few minutes before coming down to the Rowdies, and I swear more than half of the people there were under 10 years old, and looked like they had no idea what they were doing at the JAR. The parents just sat there looking annoyed, and didn't try to get the kids into the game at all. That was pathetic.Oh, and Bleacher Bum, you were louder than the entire crowd over the course of the game. Good job. :thumb:

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So, does anyone know when the north student section (in the bleachers) became a daycare center?  I sat up there for a few minutes before coming down to the Rowdies, and I swear more than half of the people there were under 10 years old, and looked like they had no idea what they were doing at the JAR.  The parents just sat there looking annoyed, and didn't try to get the kids into the game at all.  That was pathetic.Oh, and Bleacher Bum, you were louder than the entire crowd over the course of the game.  Good job. :thumb:
I don't know if you have any kids, but you don't get them into the game when they're under 10.I hear what you're saying and the parents shouldn't just let their kids run wild, however, with all the issues we have with attendance, I'm just happy they were there. ;)
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