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@ Bowling Green In-game


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Because 650 AM is much better run than the "glorified-college-hippie-station" that 1350 AM is! :rolleyes:
It's 640, WHLO, andI find irony in the fact that Can't (teh hippy skool) has their games played on WHLO (a conservative talk station) and Akron games are aired on the dime-store air-america hippy station :john:
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Because 650 AM is much better run than the "glorified-college-hippie-station" that 1350 AM is! :rolleyes:
Fear:Are you sue it's not 640? WHLO?I've never heard of a 650.
My mistake it is 640 WHLO. I was able to pull the game in on both frequencies and thus my mistake.
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The only problem with the 640AM reception I get is nails-on-the-chalkboard BILL NEEDLE!!!! His call of a game makes me want to poke my eyes out with ice picks! Why can't WE be on 640?!?! Listening (when the signal is strong enough) to the game on a left-wing lib station also makes me want to do the ice pick thing! :wall:

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WHLO 640 and WARF 1350 are owned by the same company...Clear Channel.Why Can't ended up on 640 and the Zips on 1350 I have no idea other than the Zips have been on 1350 for a long time now.I don't think their format has anything to do with it.Both run nothing but satellite programs with nothing local.The only reason I can think of why WZIP doesn't do the games like WAUP used to is that they do not want competition for the station running commercials.The announcers would be green, but it would be an alternative.

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