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Postgame thoughts

Valpo Zip

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Wow. It looks like some of you guys got your first taste of Toledo. I should have warned you. Not only is it a crappy city, but their basketball arena is quite a hole, as you found out.
couldnt agree more. however, their arena is def. better than the one the Zips play in night in and night out.but on the game...romeo played a romeo type of game which is all off. and no def. i have no idea why he doesnt play sound D instead of getting ready for a block shot all the time. 1) that is the main reason for DQ. the other night 2) he puts himself out of rebounding possition and 3) it puts pressure on the other 4 to help off of their own man to save him. he was very unsound. wood played solid. he couldnt cover the pick and roll well all night. he kept letting his man seal him for easy post entries. that hurt us and i believe the reason for going zone. linhart contributed well on the def end, but it looks to me as if he is struggling to find confidence on the off. end. i wish he would shoot the 3 when he is open instead of a shot fake when no one is 7ft. from him. let it rip with some confidence. 3 guards were good as usual. got to rate these guys together. handled pressure well. dru and dials seemed to get frustrated as there was no movement for entry passes. dials tried to force one to linhart on the wing and dru took off to the basket with his head down... not fault of theirs though. we need more movement to keep these guys from gettng stranded out front with the ball. contrary to what you might read, dials and dru made many good passes. including numerous post feeds. ced struggled again tonight. but he will come around. just let him get into his own. i wish he would let the game come to him when he is in one of these streaks instead of trying to get a quick shot up to get him in the flow. he will be fine come march. bench play was the key to me in this game. we got no contribution off the bench. milum was scared for the most part. at least that is what i saw from the 3rd row of the stands. same with mcknight. those two need to contribute on the glass, D, and score a few buckets a game down low. conyers plays like a deer in headlights. it doesnt seem like KD has much confidence in him either. but this is where we got beat last night. we need solid bench contribution if our NCAA tourny dreams are going to be fulfilled. as much as this one hurt, we need to move on to the next game. we got lucky that Kant lost to stay one up in the east. if we win out we can possibly be the #1 seed which is huge in Cleveland. no hangovers tuesday.
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Boy to I feel stupid. I thought all of the coaches were wearing tennis shoes because Toledo was anal about what types of shoes could be worn on their hardwood. Whoops! Sorry for the bad guess Bleacher Bum. :wave:
Haha. I thought there was something fishy as to why the coaches were wearing tennis shoes but they still allowed a giant unicycle, skateboards, roller skates and the giant douche rocket that jumps on its head. For the record, the giant unicycle was one of the greatest halftime shows I've ever seen. Period!
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For the record, the giant unicycle was one of the greatest halftime shows I've ever seen. Period!
Are you serious?? How can you think that stuff even comes close to the halftime shows at the JAR? I mean c'mon, what could be better than some random elementary school's dance routine that we get for all of our half-time shows? :rofl:
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