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At Large Still Possible?


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For as much as I'd like to say that we have a shot, we don't. It's the nature of the beast being in the MAC that ony the conference winner gets in to the big dance. Had we beat Nevada I'd say there would be an outside chance but it won't happen. Heck, look at Cincinnati last year... there are too many teams this year that have that "outside chance" due to the competition being so evenly matched. Our schedule is simply not tough enough for the committee to give us a serious look. We're getting top 25 votes because of our overall record...period. Win the MAC tourney and we're in!!! If we're the best we'll prove it in downtown Cleveland. :champs:

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I wouldnt say it's likely, but definately not impossible. I will say for sure that it is impossible for any other team in the MAC besides us.Some points to note:Zips 18-5 (0-1)vs. rpi 1-25; (0-0) vs. rpi 26-50; (2-2) vs. rpi 51-100Zips win out: 27-5, rpi top 40. AUTO BIDZips lose in finals: 26-6, rpi top 50. at large? Only if the favorites win their conference tourneys. Let's hope it doesnt come to this, I'd love a 27-win regular season.

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The NCAA selection committee, for as long as I can remember, will favor the major conference teams, with high schedule strength, and a 17-13 record, over a team in a conference like the MAC. Even if they do have a 25+ wins. Even if they would choose to diregard our weak schedule strength, and actually seriously take a look at us, they'll see our losses to Arkansas Little Rock, and UIC. With that said, no chance.

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Your SOS is going to cripple you, as well as your loss to ALR. Beating Nevada would've given you something, but that didn't happen. We're a one-horse show once again.
UALR and UIC are bad losses. yes. But they were also the first few games of the season. The selection committee also weighs road w/l and last 10 games in their selection criteria. A team that goes 14-2 in the MAC regular season has to have a chance if people talking about the CAA getting two teams in, I dont see why the MAC wouldnt get two if the zips ended up at 16-3 in the conference, following a loss in the finals. That being said, winning out and winning the conference would likely net us a higher seed. So I vote that we win out, and not worry about the MAC getting two bids. :wave:
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Here's why:-The CAA leader, VCU, is in the top 50 in RPI. Drexel has wins over Syracuse and Villanova. Akron's RPI is 88 with its best win against Oral Roberts. A good win, yes, but not enough to top an at-large resume. Your OOC SOS is 291, which is brutal. And while the ALR and UIC losses came early in the season, they're still to much to overcome at this point. All you can hope to do is beat MAC teams, which won't impress the committee. The BracketBuster screwed you.-The CAA is ranked 12, the MAC 15.Yes, a 14-2 Akron team looks good. But you'll need help. Either Toledo needs to lose again or beat you in the finals because Akron has no chance of getting in ahead of Toledo should they take the regular season championship.The bottom line here is that MAC does not have the requisite respect to get a second bid. I'd love to see Akron take a second bid, but the selection committee does not look favorable upon us. Remember 2005? Miami had a very, very strong profile (43 RPI, SOS in the 70s, wins over Purdue, Xavier, WSU) and got stiffed.Trust me. You guys are pretty new to the bubble zone. You're not going to be happy come Selection Sunday if you don't win on Saturday.

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You guys are pretty new to the bubble zone. 
I don't know why you say that. We were on the bubble last year and have been there before.86-87, record 21-9...NIT87-88, record 21-7...No post season88-89, record 21-8...NIT05-06, record 23-10..NIT
Fine, pretty new to the bubble as a MAC team. I would argue you weren't seriously on it last year, but that's splitting hairs.
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You guys are pretty new to the bubble zone. 
I don't know why you say that. We were on the bubble last year and have been there before.86-87, record 21-9...NIT87-88, record 21-7...No post season88-89, record 21-8...NIT05-06, record 23-10..NIT
Fine, pretty new to the bubble as a MAC team. I would argue you weren't seriously on it last year, but that's splitting hairs.
That's not splitting hair Ozoner, we definitely were not in the bubble last year especially after loosing to Nevada by 30 points. Our chances of getting an at large bid are like my chances of winning the lottery when i buy a ticket. You can't say that there is no chance but you don't build hopes on it.We don't have the respect yet, the MAC knows us by now and the sports writers who observe the MAC (that's not a whole lot of sports writers) also took notice, which explains the few votes we are getting in the AP poll for the last 4 weeks.In order to get the regular fan/writer to fear the roo, we have to win something. Win the MAC, go to the dance and make a nice showing... next year they will be like: "Akron, yeah... that's a good team."Another, less attractive scenario is to win the NIT or at least make it to the final four there. I don't recall any MAC team in the recent history making the final 4 in the NIT.
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I don't believe anyone considered us to be "on the bubble" last year either.Let me try to clear this up a bit....Everyone keeps focusing on the idea that we can't get an At-Large because of our conference history of not getting a 2nd team into the dance. This could very well be the case in the minds of people that are on these tournament selection committees. So, until the MAC gets to the point where it ranks higher as a conference, we can only do three things that will increase our chances.......1) Schedule stronger non-conference opponents to increase SOS.2) Post a win or two against teams that might be "At-Large Caliber" teams. 3) Don't have "bad losses" against non-conference teams that will not receive tournament consideration. Don't consider this as being negative, because I am a huge Zips fan. But we accomplished none of the above. When we get compared to a team like Drexel (as Ozone suggests), who had wins over teams like Syracuse and Villanova, we don't stand a chance. They will be a bubble team. But I still think that the tendency of the selection committee is to bypass a team like Drexel, and take a 17-13 team from a power conference that has a higher SOS.I hope I'm wrong, but this is why I think we have no chance in hell of getting an At-Large, no matter how many more games we win from here on out.

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