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OU's bracketbuster last night


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Wow, I stayed up to watch the OU/New Mexico State clash and turned it off at the half thinking they had another bracketbuster win in the bag for the MAC. Wow, should have stayed up. I bet Sobcat Nation is not doing so well this morning. I wonder if they have a lynch mob waiting at the airport for Tim O'Shea......

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How do you blow a 19 point lead like that? Oh, wait. I know. You have Bubba start launching 35ft. three-point attempts for no reason other than to show off on ESPN. That kid is a cancer to any team he plays for. Thank God he is not with Akron anymore.
He actually played well in this game...had a huge first half. OU was a completely different team in the second half. Maybe the 15 hours of travel and the fact that it was 1am est caught up with them? 6-6 for the mac on bracket buster... :rolleyes:
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I agree with Rowdy zip, it wasn't Bubba last night, it was all lack of depth.O'shea has no bench whatsoever, other than the starting 5, no bobcat seems to know what's going on. Leon fouled out with more than 7 minutes left. They folded like a cheap tent.This should be on KD's scouting report. If we play OU at the Q, we should play fast game to wear them down and attack inside to put them in foul trouble.

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He actually played well in this game...had a huge first half.
True. Bubba had a huge first half. Then, he just started jacking up bad 3s whenever he got the chance in the second half. I'm all for the "heat check" shot when some one is having a good game, but if it doesn't go in you don't keep trying to shoot 35 footers until you make one.
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