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Bracket Burning?


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I guess some AK-Rowdies on Facebook are planning to have a "Bracket Burning" in protest of Akron getting jobbed by the old farts that make up the NIT selection committee.http://uakron.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2250327498&ref=nfIf you're interested, please post on this group's wall. It looks like we might have some media interested in this as well. The only downside to this is that we might come off as a bunch of whiny fans. If it happens and you do go to it, please don't mention the championship game. Just keep it to Akron's record and the fact that other teams that were worse than us got at-large invites to the NIT.

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Indeed, someone needs to be the "spokesman" for the group should there be media present, to be sure that the message is that the NIT blow-off is the issue. No mentions of the championship game clock error, etc. which are separate issues.We need to do it soon.....just please not when I have to teach class. ;)

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Its a shame both had to happen in the same weekend. I am actually over the shot clock error. I will never get over the NIT snub. I have excepted it though as the NCAA is all about the $$$$$.I like the idea of a bracket burning and hope no one mentions the clock error as it will only make us sound like whiny fans.

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I'm a AK-Rowdy and I'm all for the braacket burning. I agree though it should focus on the fact that we got snubbed by the NIT especially and the NCAA. Yeah we're still upset about the championship I'm sure but this is more about the NCAA and NIT.

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I agree that we can't change the NIT selection by a bracket-burning, but it would be a visible show of our support for the team, and could get some media attention, hopefully getting more people aware of the situation. We can both support the team person-to-person AND burn brackets to get attention for the cause--it's not either/or.

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While the protests and making our voices heard is a must for this injustice - I also feel cheated out of the chance to celebrate the wonderful ride the 2006-2007 Zips took us on this year. Not only the way the Miami game ended - but then who would have thought we wouldn't have the chance to root for them at least one more time at the NCAA or NIT!! I was at a loss for what to do - leave it to my 12 year-old son to come up with a great solution. His idea is to have one more game at the JAR - ZIPS vs. The AK-Rowdies. Not only would it give us the chance to give Dru and Romeo a proper send off -but you could charge a minimal admission fee as a fund-raiser for the Rowdies. That would help that great organization get stronger for next year. What do you think?

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I'm not going to post a link to my blog on this post (The Mods don't want me to for whatever reason), but I have some thoughts on this whole issue that I think everyone should read.
If they want to burn brackets let them do it. A lot of people think that no one cares about the zips, but it can't hurt showing that there are passionate fans for this program. The players are hurting right now, and something like this shows the players that they are fighting for them even though it may not do much in terms of getting us bids.Oh and here is another idea: Burn the MAC logo too.
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I don't know if bracket burning is the right idea, teams and their fans that are in the tournament would look at it as an attack on themselves rightly or wrongly.The real target is the NCAA, not the teams who accepted bids to play in the tourney. I'd much prefer an absolute boycott and removal of any and all NCAA flags, decals, even stationary and plan a public flogging, burning, whatever. The NCAA or National Committee Against Akron, deserves no respect from us, and therefore their sponsorship, or whatever it is they claim to provide is not needed.Don't let the NCAA off the hook by letting them point to good and loyal Zip fans and try to shift blame.

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I don't know if bracket burning is the right idea, teams and their fans that are in the tournament would look at it as an attack on themselves rightly or wrongly.The real target is the NCAA, not the teams who accepted bids to play in the tourney. I'd much prefer an absolute boycott and removal of any and all NCAA flags, decals, even stationary and plan a public flogging, burning, whatever. The NCAA or National Committee Against Akron, deserves no respect from us, and therefore their sponsorship, or whatever it is they claim to provide is not needed.Don't let the NCAA off the hook by letting them point to good and loyal Zip fans and try to shift blame.
that's impossible because if you're not going to be a part of the ncaa for this one incident, then we're not going to be d-1, never going to any national championships, never going bowling, etc. we need the ncaa, and yeah they f-ed up, but we can't just cut ourselves away from them. if we tried that would be just plain stupid.
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that's impossible because if you're not going to be a part of the ncaa for this one incident, then we're not going to be d-1, never going to any national championships, never going bowling, etc. we need the ncaa, and yeah they f-ed up, but we can't just cut ourselves away from them. if we tried that would be just plain stupid. I'm not advocating overthrowing the NCAA, or leaving it; merely getting rid of anything that has their dirty fingerprints on it. I guess I wasn't clear enough.If we burn a bracket, then the straightlaced guy from Provo is going, "why are they burning BYU", the guy from Las Cruces is going, "senor Zippy muy loco", and the guy from Pittsburgh is going, "look Blanche, Akron's got fire"... ok, bad example with PITT, but if we burn brackets, we will look like we're attacking the institutions in the tournament when the real culprit is the NCAA. DON'T let the NCAA point their finger at us and say THAT'S ANOTHER REASON why Akron wasn't allowed in the NIT.It is the NCAA who deserves the public reprimand!

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Nothing like looking like a bunch of sore losers. And trust me, whether it's right or wrong, that's how we'd be perceived around the country.
Do we just take it from the NCAA/NIT and say "oh, thank you....may we please have some more?"Is it being a sore loser to do anything to make it known that we're not happy with being screwed? Sore losers whine when they legitimately lose. We didn't legitimately lose a NIT berth; we were screwed out of it. Just look at the RPIs.
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Nothing like looking like a bunch of sore losers.  And trust me, whether it's right or wrong, that's how we'd be perceived around the country.
Do we just take it from the NCAA/NIT and say "oh, thank you....may we please have some more?"Is it being a sore loser to do anything to make it known that we're not happy with being screwed? Sore losers whine when they legitimately lose. We didn't legitimately lose a NIT berth; we were screwed out of it. Just look at the RPIs.
What do you accomplish by burning brackets or doing a protest? And do you really think that will make them look favorably on us in the future?
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Not poor losers, it's righteous indignation. Who cares if the NCAA looks down on us, why should we mollify the beast, and with our hat in our hands, humbly inquire as to if a 30-2 record in the future might garner an NIT bid. Believe me, the main trait that the NCAA exudes is pomposity so they won't even notice a protest at a school like Akron.

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