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Confused with the MAC


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Usually by this point in the season, I have a pretty good idea of how each team is going to fare. But this year, WTF. I can't remember the last time I was this clueless about what I felt would happen in the confrence.Toledo (0-3) Getting rolled over by everyoneNIU (0-3) Upset by EASTERN?!Western (0-3) Tough schedule, but not putting up the fight I expected!BSU (2-1) One tough loss to Miami.BGSU (1-1) Upsetting Minnesota and giving MSU a scare.Buffalo (1-2) Putting 24 points on PSU and crushing TempleCan't (2-1) Beating Iowa State, rolling today Miami (1-2) Putting up a good fight in Minnesota but getting CRUSHED in Cincy.Right now, I have no idea who is going to contend where. In the West, I would still say that Western is the team to beat, but they don't appear to be the powerhouse I was expecting. CMU got stomped by two BCS Schools, but beat Toledo, who appears weak this year. NIU was upset today by Eastern! BSU has the best record, lost to Miami but beat Navy.In the East, who knows. OU beat 2 schools I have never heard of and gave VT an early scare. Can't looks to be tough, beating ISU and rolling today. BGSU really appears to be strong this year. I can't even gauge how well the MAC is doing agains the other confrences. Is it me or are the MAC teams playing with the BCS Schools early on, only to fold late. Are the MAC starters playing at the same level as the BCS boys, or are we just being taken lightly? Starting NOW we need to focus on the MAC EAST! In my gut, we've got a contender this year at Akron. We will need to bring our A game every week though. Can't is gonna be tough, especially from what we saw today. Beyond this, I can't make heads or tails of what might happen this year.

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The Mac is absolutely horrible. It may be the worst conference on D1. I know I will get attacked for that, but MAC teams just keep losing and losing bad.
Attached???? If the underwear fits wear it. Whatever mojo the MAC had a few years ago is completely gone. This week the only MAC victories were a D1aa and in-conference. The previous weeks were not much better. I know this is a topic best discussed at the end of the season, but is the thought of Akron moving to the Big East in the near future remotely realistic? As a whole Akron has a lot of momentum including a steady increase in enrollment. While it has momentum, why not keep it going with a conference change.
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The bigger comment I have is the pathetic attendance at the Can't Home Opener today.8400 people.PATHETIC. :screwks::screwks::screwks:
I need to fill an opening in my schedule ... road game and draw a paycheck or play a charity game and pay I-AA Delaware State to come visit? What the heck, let's do the charitable thing. Just to make SURE we don't make any money, let schedule it at roughly the same time as the OSU/Washington game. Brilliant. :rolleyes:
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I agree that the teams are very evenly matched in the MAC this year., and with the MAC being competative and folding. It tells me that if you compare starters to starters, we are closing the gap in some cases. Those BCS school just have so much depth, they wear us down. I mean the Zips were down 3-2 at half to #10 OSU with absolutly no offense. Ohio was tied at 7 with #18 Virginia Tech at the half, yes they did lose 28-7, but thats far better than the 45-0 it was 2 years ago. K.e.n.t was even tied 14 all with Kentucky at the half, and Kentucky went on to beat #9 Louisville.As long as the sunbelt is around we will never be the worst conferenc ein the country. And according to the sagarin ratings we're only .69 behind Conference USA. Maybe I'm just a glass is half empty kind of guy. Its early to rank the teams, but what the heck, I need something to do before the NFL kickoffs. I have seen most teams play, thanks to the Big Ten network and ESPN Plus. So heres my opinions, based on play and potential: Team Conf. Overall 1. Bowling Green 0-0 1-1 *Sheehan looks like the real deal. Too bad we have to wait until 10/6 for them to play another good team (@ BC) 2. Ohio 0-0 2-1 3. Miami (OH) 1-0 1-2 *Tough schedule, but did beat BSU. 4. Ball State 1-1 2-1 5. Can't State 0-0 2-1 6. Akron 0-0 1-2 *Defense gives this team a good shot in the MAC. 7. Central Michigan 1-0 1-2 8. Western Michigan 0-0 0-3 9. Eastern Michigan 1-1 1-210. Toledo 0-1 0-311. Buffalo 1-0 1-212. Temple 0-1 0-3 *Got homered at Uconn this weekend.13. Northern Illinois 0-1 0-3 I could see any combo of teams in the top 8 in the MACC...Edit: WOOHOO post #100

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Hey Zipsrifle,With a few glaring exceptions (i.e. USC and LSU), I think this is shaping up as one of the wierder years across the board in college football, not just the MAC. You look at the top 20 or so teams, and how many of them can anybody be very sure about?Heck, who's gonna win the Big 10 this year. Frankly, I don't care, but so far the picture has gotten fuzzier, not clearer.Strange, strange year.

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Buckzip....I won't attack you, but simply ask you to look at BCS teams vs. the MAC teams twenty years ago, and look at how much more competitive these games are now.When we beat NC State last year, that would have gotten BIG TIME NATIONAL HEADLINES back in the 80's. BGs win over Minnesota this year would have as well. But these days, those kinds of wins are much more common. And since you are a Buckeyes fan, do you really think it would have been even remotely possible for us to hold OSU to 20 points (2007) and 28 points (2001) back in the 80's?When scholarships were reduced from 95 to 85 a few years ago, the top level schools were unable to "stockpile" as much talent as they had been able to do previously. So, where are these players going? You're right, they are slipping to teams further and further down the line.Using pure logic alone, there is no other possible conclusion but to assume that teams will continue to become more and more competitive with one another in D-1A.

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Well, NC State has only won 4 games in the last 2 years and 2 of them have been against D1-AA foes. I wouldn't exactly consider that a headliner win during any decade. Minnesota is just flat out terrible. They haven't been a force for decades.You are right that a lot more smaller schools beat bigger schools now, but the smaller schools VERY RARELY beat or even compete with the top 30-40 type teams. They compete and rarely beat the lower to middle of the road BCS teams.As for the OSU thing. Yeah, I can see that because Tressel is coaching them. He isn't like teams in the SEC that will blow anyone out if they get the chance. Tressel subbed his 2nd and 3rd string freshman in the game during the 2nd series and didn't open the playbook (according to him in the Washington pregame) at all vs YSU or Akron. He never tried to blow the games open. Washington is WAY better than Akron and OSU put 33 on them on the road and basically called the dogs off at the beginning of the 4th quarter. You are right that the scholarship limits have helped bring more parity, but the elite players still go to the elite schools. The marginal guys now choose between a low end BCS school and an upper level mid major. That has caused the parity, but I think it has just about evened out as much as it is going to except a few teams here and there that are in the right locations, etc...(Ie..South Florida, Rutgers, UCF). They have a chance to move into the elite category, while some of the lower level BCS schools (ie, Minnesota, Northwestern) will struggle to attract athletes.

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