bobbyake Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 For those that have facebook, join this group The Official Petition to get the Plasma Center moved away from campus!!This place is an eye sore to the University because it brings drug addicts close to campus. Not everyone that donates plasma is a drug addict, but there are a lot that are. Students feel threatened to have these people so close to campus. The Plasma Center needs to be relocated. Help me make this happen.My next project: Figuring out how to purchase the Mayflower so that I can rid it of Section 8 and turn it into student housing for business and Polsky students. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZachTheZip Posted September 22, 2007 Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 I joined that group a month ago. The only way to get it moved is to boycott and protest it. The boycotting is easy, but the protesting is not something people are willing to do, because they are too afraid to march around the place with signs and such with all the druggies around. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z.I.P. Posted September 23, 2007 Report Share Posted September 23, 2007 Pardon my laughing -- it's only funny to me -- BUT, that joint may be the only place left on campus that was there when I was a freshman. And it's pretty amazing, considering that my neighbor caught Hep-A there about 1979 and sued them successfully for quite a bit of dinero. At that time, there clientele was made up mostly of homeless and grad students -- though you have to understand the large intersection of those two populations.But, here's another question you might ask, if you're looking for a larger solution: What type of drug treatment facilities are there in the community? When a friend of mine was concerned with the drug problems in East Palo Alto CA, just around the corner from the Stanford U campus, where she studied, she ended up starting the city's first drug and alcohol abuse treatment center. Maybe you should be talking with the school administration and the Plasma Center management for the best accomodation. As I learnt at Akron U, seek da win-win solution for all.BTW, did I mention, it's 1800 in the islands and Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 1, 2007 Report Share Posted October 1, 2007 This place is an eye sore to the University because it brings drug addicts close to campus.Not true. This statement shows you have done absolutely no research on the center. One phone call would tell you that drug testing is mandatory for all donors.Your group is a fallacy. You've posted information on it that is blatantly untrue. People told you it was untrue, and you ignored them. You're intentionally spreading lies. Further, you created the group and promptly sent about 500 invites. You probably have people in that group that had never even heard of the place before they found your invite in their inbox. This isn't a move to get rid of a legitimate safety hazard- you picked a business, made up a bunch of false problems that it isn't creating, and then set out to convince others that what you say is right.You also need to face the fact that the center has been there for something around 30-40 years, and it's not going to move because you complain about it. You could go ahead and lead a protest, show up with picket signs, and all you will accomplish is to give the donors some amusement.All you'd have to do is go into the center and you'll see that it's nothing like you say it is. Oh but I know, there is some reason you wouldn't do that- "It's not safe" "I'll get mugged" "I feel threatened"Despite the security that is on staff behind the front desk. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 1, 2007 Report Share Posted October 1, 2007 BTW, counter group: Akron people need to shut up about moving the plasma center Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zippyrifle32 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 i would like to correct something you posted on your group:you're not a donor. you're not donating anything. people who GIVE blood are donating because they aren't getting PAID. you're SELLING your plasma. it is an eyesore, and creepy as all hell. yes i know a couple of people who regularly go there and listening to their experiences doesn't change my opinion of the place. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyake Posted October 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Not true. This statement shows you have done absolutely no research on the center. One phone call would tell you that drug testing is mandatory for all donors.They do not drug test there. I have a friend that smokes pot on a regular basis and he's donated there without a problem. I can give you his phone number if you'd like to call him and debate it with him. Your counter group has 2 people in it. LMAO. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyake Posted October 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 McCrackin, if you did a poll, you'll find that over 80% of the students would rather have the plasma center in a different location away from campus. You're better off spending your time hugging a tree. In fact, you should consider transfering to Can't State, they have a lot of tree huggers there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZachTheZip Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Mccracken, does the "security" behind the front desk remove all the druggies and homeless people that loiter all day outside the building asking students if they can spare some money for their crack addiction?So the building has been there 40 years. Big deal. Times change, and the neighborhood is changing too. Soon, the clientel will be forced out or move somewhere else once the University Park Alliance finishes tearing down the ghetto that the Plasma center feeds off of.It's not the business, it's the patrons. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyake Posted October 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Can you look at half of the people that SELL their plasma and tell me they don't smoke weed? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zippyrifle32 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 but really mccracken, why are you so up in arms defending the place? if it moved, it's not like the place would go out of business. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 I'll just go bit by bit here.McCrackin, if you did a poll, you'll find that over 80% of the students would rather have the plasma center in a different location away from campus.I doubt 80% of students have heard of it. I first started going there because I saw a commercial on TV and looked up its location (yes, they ran ads back when it was Aventis Bio). If you think 80% of students think that way then start a real poll and find out. You should have figured out already I don't give crap one about poll results from polls that don't exist.Mccracken, does the "security" behind the front desk remove all the druggies and homeless people that loiter all day outside the building asking students if they can spare some money for their crack addiction?The people out front of the center are donors who are smoking. We're in there for about four hours, and smokers don't often last that long. Yes, the security does remove homeless people that come around- once I saw a homeless guy come in to use the restroom, and I guess he'd been in and out earlier that day. The security guard dragged him out.I haven't had anyone ask me for money outside the center. I have at the gas station, on the third floor of Bierce Library, and on Carroll Commons. They hang around the university. You can also find them downtown. This is a city. Cities have panhandlers.So the building has been there 40 years. Big deal. Times change, and the neighborhood is changing too.You seem unable to cope with the fact that the university is in a city. Just because you don't like what central Akron looks like doesn't mean you can destroy it and run out everyone living in it. It's ironic that you should tell me to go to Can't, because I think Can't is more your thing- a campus that is totally cut off from the outside world.Soon, the clientel will be forced out or move somewhere else once the University Park Alliance finishes tearing down the ghetto that the Plasma center feeds off of.University Park isn't going to cut out that large of a portion of the neighborhood. Besides, quite a few people take the bus or even drive (*gasp* we can afford cars!).And hey- you're contradicting yourself. I thought the center drew the undesirables from all over the city. Now it's only from the neighborhood by the center?And no, again, none of the projects in that area are going to hit the center. I think a lot of proponents of the stadium, University Park, etc. are pretty bothered that those projects don't make it over there.I have a friend that smokes pot on a regular basis and he's donated there without a problem.Don't believe you for a second. Part of donating there is taking physical. This must be done once per year including before your first donation. It's a urine test and a needle mark inspection. Then, your arms are inspected for needle marks every time you donate. If you don't believe me go sign up to be a donor. You keep saying what it looks like, without actually going there. Geez, just actually go there and see the place. Can you look at half of the people that SELL their plasma and tell me they don't smoke weed?Yes. If I really had to classify the people in there, the largest group are people in their late 20s to early 40s, all races, that have low paying, blue collar jobs, and need the extra cash. It's not uncommon to see a lot of people in work uniforms from restaurants, mechanic's shops, etc. And stop trying to demoralize it by saying "sell" rather than "donate". Yeah it's selling; I don't care what you call it. You're just proving that the center makes you squeamish. That's why you're lying to try to run it out. Nice try; nobody cares.Your counter group has 2 people in it. LMAO.I'd rather have nobody in it that have sent out 500 invites. That's where your people came from. You did a mass invite campaign and it was enough to get your group in the "popular Akron groups" listing for a few days. That's where I saw it. That's like robbing a bank and then laughing at somebody for not having any money. I most certainly could have used that invite tool on everbody and their uncle but I have a little self respect and respect for my cause... something you obviously don't have.I'm actually laughing at your string of posts here. You started by trying to sound genuinely concerned. And you subsequently destroyed that. Based on all of this plus the comment about the Mayflower, I know what your angle is. You're white-bread. You're a yuppie, and you can't deal with people that don't have endless money flowing everywhere. The people in Akron, and indeed, the world, aren't all wearing the nicest clothes and driving the nicest cars. There actually are poor people that didn't get that way by being drug addicts. I know, shocking. Maybe even blasphemous. Sorry to destroy the perfect world thing you had going, but one of these days, you're going to have to open your eyes and see what's really around you.And BTW, I am not a hippie. Don't let the long hair fool you. It is indeed possible to be open minded without being a tree hugger. I know that's also a foreign concept, but I'm hoping it will sink in with time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 but really mccracken, why are you so up in arms defending the place? if it moved, it's not like the place would go out of business.The moving isn't a problem, it's that all of this stuff that's supposedly wrong with the center is just a load of crap. They shouldn't have to move because somebody can't deal with it being there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Z Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Have there been problems there? Are people breaking the law? What's the complaint?I'm not sure I understand your beef. How are the clients bothering you? You just don't like the way they look?Please enlighten me with some examples or facts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyake Posted October 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Dr Z, take a drive by the place and tell me if it fits. We have a beautiful campus and then you have that place. Imagine what high school students and their parents think when they go on campus tours. Every crackhead and STONER in Akron waiting in a line so that they can sell their plasma. With all the problems going on in that area, students feel like these people are a threat to their safety.They say they screen for drugs. This is untrue.THEY DONT TEST PEOPLE for drugs, they test the plasma for diseases. MY STONER FRIEND HAS DONATED THERE WITHOUT A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZachTheZip Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 Have there been problems there? Are people breaking the law? What's the complaint?I'm not sure I understand your beef. How are the clients bothering you? You just don't like the way they look?Please enlighten me with some examples or facts. Hitting up students for drug money is my biggest complaint. They don't even bother to lie, they say straight up what it's for. Having a bunch of drug addicts that I'm pretty sure actually live on that street corner right next to campus is a bad thing not only for the university's image, but for the safety of the students.I don't care that the plasma center is there, they're free to do business where ever they like. What I do care about are the people that come with it, loitering outside, waiting for their dealer to come around. Drugs and crime go hand in hand. There haven't been any incidents recently, but thats because students have learned to void walking near there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 They say they screen for drugs. This is untrue.THEY DONT TEST PEOPLE for drugs, they test the plasma for diseases. MY STONER FRIEND HAS DONATED THERE WITHOUT A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!You know I think I figured this one out. I expect that your friend has been donating less than a year. He came in clean, took his physical, and now he's lighting up. We'll see if they let him donate after that next physical.And to be fair, sometimes people do manage to beat urine tests.Of course, as I've always said, if you actually went there, to the center, you would see two things. First, if you signed up to be a donor, you'd be given the little cup. (Actually, you wouldn't have to sign up, just go in the restroom, there are signs up reminding you about the test.) Also, you would see that the donor population does not resemble a group of druggies. A couple come in here or there, but not many. (Actually, a lot of the stoner looking types are looking for buddies that are donating. You see more of them outside because it gets crowded sometimes and people tend not to hang around inside if they don't have to.)Hitting up students for drug money is my biggest complaint.Here's what's wrong with this. There aren't panhandlers hanging around the center. I have not been asked for money there. I have on campus, though. Also, I've never heard of a panhandler saying it's for drugs. They tend to lie.I would bet that you've never actually been on that corner. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zip81 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 When I went to the U, it was usually students lining up to get the 12 bucks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyake Posted October 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 When I went to the U, it was usually students lining up to get the 12 bucks. hardly any students go there anymore. It gets old when students have to deal with alcoholics and drug addicts asking for money to support their habbit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 hardly any students go there anymore. It gets old when students have to deal with alcoholics and drug addicts asking for money to support their habbit.That doesn't occur, there are a few students in there. It's more than $12 thankfully. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zen Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 they should move that down off wolf ledges or downtown or something. who remembers the townhouse? lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Z Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 who remembers the townhouse? lolWhere there more drunks on the corner when it was The Townhouse or Plasma Alliance? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ziptrumpet87 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 QUOTE (zen @ Oct 2 2007, 12:14 PM) who remembers the townhouse? lol Where there more drunks on the corner when it was The Townhouse or Plasma Alliance? I think I was one of those drunken Townhouse people at least once and I know that it was less than "30 or 40 years" that the place changed hands.. can't recall where PA used to be. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZippyRulz Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 they should move that down off wolf ledges or downtown or something. Better yet, move it to Can't. The Zip Strip will be prime real estate when the stadium is built. I don't know who owns the building but I'm sure they will get a nice offer to relocate. If it's students they want they should move to the other side of campus on Market St. near the other medical facilities. It's definitely not needed on Main St. If nothing else, the University Park Alliance will probably claim it under eminent domain for redevelopment, thankfully. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccracken Posted October 2, 2007 Report Share Posted October 2, 2007 If nothing else, the University Park Alliance will probably claim it under eminent domain for redevelopment, thankfully.They'd have to get a blight designation, and a law was passed fairly recently that makes it difficult to legally declare an area blighted, so I doubt it. I'm sure they've had offers on it already. That would be a prime location for another gas station to compete for the students' money.Plasma Alliance was the name the center used until the mid 1990s, it was in the same spot. Here's a story about it from 1988: ClickPretty sure that would require the VPN. The parent company had some mergers so it went through name changes, but it's still under the same management. I've been told there was a blood bank there before it was Plasma Alliance, but I don't know when that would have been. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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