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What is wrong with MAC fans?


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gozips.com says 21,867. That is a disgrace.
Were you there??? It was packed... my beef is I Tivo the game on WEWS out of Cleveland and they bump us for OSU with 1:44 to go in the GAME??? WTF???
So now at our home stadium we are giving out false information. Is that what you are saying?If the RB holds 35,000, the place may look pretty full with 22000 there. To fit that 35,000 in, people have to be packed in. I am sure there were quite a few holes and even rows that weren't close to being full. It is very hard to judge how packed the place is when you are there. If you are on one side of the bowl looking across, it may look full when in reality it is 2/3 full only.I don't understand why the UofA would give out false information to make us look worse.
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But what time do the bandwagoners begin their Central Ohio Regional U. festivities? If they went to the Akron/Can't game they wouldn't have gotten out in time (as we know from the TV coverage). Most casual/bandwagon fans only follow the ranked teams they see on SportsCenter and whose programs have had a huge head start on us ... this has already been talked about. I once heard some people I know talking about a local kid who plays at CMU and they said "I think CMU is in the MAC-10". Casual fans don't even know the conferences outside of the BCS.

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gozips.com says 21,867. That is a disgrace.
Were you there??? It was packed... my beef is I Tivo the game on WEWS out of Cleveland and they bump us for OSU with 1:44 to go in the GAME??? WTF???
So now at our home stadium we are giving out false information. Is that what you are saying?If the RB holds 35,000, the place may look pretty full with 22000 there. To fit that 35,000 in, people have to be packed in. I am sure there were quite a few holes and even rows that weren't close to being full. It is very hard to judge how packed the place is when you are there. If you are on one side of the bowl looking across, it may look full when in reality it is 2/3 full only.I don't understand why the UofA would give out false information to make us look worse.
BuckZip....the Bowl no longer holds 35,000 because the end zone seats are covered with a tarp.The game notes lists the capacity as 31,000.
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K21.pngand it was just as packed on the other side of the Bowl.You could add a couple more thousand for the bands that were there that were not counted in the paid attendance.
81, you can't tell anything from that picture. Come on now. You are so far away that if there was 1 person for every 2 seats, you couldn't tell from that distance. Look at the top left. Those seats are empty. If the place was full there wouldn't be an entire area empty like that. The point is that this game should have been sold out and it wasn't.
BuckZip....the Bowl no longer holds 35,000 because the end zone seats are covered with a tarp.The game notes lists the capacity as 31,000.
That makes it even worse. The capacit is 31,00 and you can still see large holes from the other side of the field.If the bands take up a lot of space, that makes it even worse. The 22000 is probably pretty close in reality.
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K21.pngand it was just as packed on the other side of the Bowl.You could add a couple more thousand for the bands that were there that were not counted in the paid attendance.
81, you can't tell anything from that picture. Come on now. You are so far away that if there was 1 person for every 2 seats, you couldn't tell from that distance. Look at the top left. Those seats are empty. If the place was full there wouldn't be an entire area empty like that. The point is that this game should have been sold out and it wasn't.
BuckZip....the Bowl no longer holds 35,000 because the end zone seats are covered with a tarp.The game notes lists the capacity as 31,000.
That makes it even worse. The capacit is 31,00 and you can still see large holes from the other side of the field.
Well, you can crap all over this if you want.I thought the turnout was great...the student section was humming, and I really don't know where they could have put another 5,000.
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K21.pngand it was just as packed on the other side of the Bowl.You could add a couple more thousand for the bands that were there that were not counted in the paid attendance.
81, you can't tell anything from that picture. Come on now. You are so far away that if there was 1 person for every 2 seats, you couldn't tell from that distance. :cry: Look at the top left. Those seats are empty. If the place was full there wouldn't be an entire area empty like that. :cry: The point is that this game should have been sold out and it wasn't. :cry:
BuckZip....the Bowl no longer holds 35,000 because the end zone seats are covered with a tarp.The game notes lists the capacity as 31,000.
That makes it even worse. :cry: The capacit is 31,00 and you can still see large holes from the other side of the field. :cry:
:rolleyes: Dude I corrected your post for you....
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K21.pngand it was just as packed on the other side of the Bowl.You could add a couple more thousand for the bands that were there that were not counted in the paid attendance.
81, you can't tell anything from that picture. Come on now. You are so far away that if there was 1 person for every 2 seats, you couldn't tell from that distance. Look at the top left. Those seats are empty. If the place was full there wouldn't be an entire area empty like that. The point is that this game should have been sold out and it wasn't.
BuckZip....the Bowl no longer holds 35,000 because the end zone seats are covered with a tarp.The game notes lists the capacity as 31,000.
That makes it even worse. The capacit is 31,00 and you can still see large holes from the other side of the field.
Well, you can crap all over this if you want.I thought the turnout was great...the student section was humming, and I really don't know where they could have put another 5,000.
Can't tell anything from the picture?I guess you just can't take my word for it since I was there.I just don't know why you're being so negative.Anyway, it doesn't matter...I don't want to argue over something like that.Let's just agree this is a beautiful sight.k1.png
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BuckZip,Why weren't you there? It was a good turnout. There had to be over 3,000 students at the game. We just beat Can't. And you're complaining about some attendance number. Coming on here saying, "What is wrong with MAC Fans" is ridiculous. You need to ask the question. "what is wrong with all the idiots in this area that root for the suckeyes and not the Zips?"

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BuckZip,Why weren't you there? It was a good turnout. There had to be over 3,000 students at the game. We just beat Can't. And you're complaining about some attendance number. Coming on here saying, "What is wrong with MAC Fans" is ridiculous. You need to ask the question. "what is wrong with all the idiots in this area that root for the suckeyes and not the Zips?"
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Once again you don't get it. Well, once you build those skyscrapers in downtown Akron and have your big accounting firm because you attended the Harvard of the Midwest, you will begin to understand.I wasn't there because I was in Atlanta for business. I am going by the figures that gozips.com posted. If they are incorrect and the palce was full then that is awesome. However, I am commenting on the numbers given.I am very glad that we won. I am not being negative really. I just don't get the total apethetic feeling around Akron. NE Ohio is a huge sports market. I really wish UA could receive their fair share of the market.My initial post was asking a question of what is wrong. As usual, it has turned into a bash fest. I guess I should be used to it by now.BTW, what is a "suckeye"?
Can't tell anything from the picture?I guess you just can't take my word for it since I was there.I just don't know why you're being so negative.Anyway, it doesn't matter...I don't want to argue over something like that.Let's just agree this is a beautiful sight.
It's not that I don't take your word for it. I am going by what gozips.com says. However, you make it sound like their was a big crowd. So maybe my initial post was a little harsh.
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Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Once again you don't get it. Well, once you build those skyscrapers in downtown Akron and have your big accounting firm because you attended the Harvard of the Midwest, you will begin to understand.I wasn't there because I was in Atlanta for business. I am very glad that we won. I am not being negative really. I just don't get the total apethetic feeling around Akron.BTW, what is a "suckeye"?
Not in downtown Akron, I'd probably build them in Brazil, Argentina, and in India. But I've been working on a plan for the Mayflower and have connections to investors. Don't play dumb by asking, "What is a 'suckeye,'" You know I call them that. That's like asking, "What is C.A.N.'T. state."BuckZip,Trying to use todays attendance in a negative way is not going to put a damper on anyones mood tonight. I don't think there is anything wrong with MAC fans. The problem isn't the MAC fans, it's the non-MAC fans that root for a school in ColumbusYou came onto this board tonight with your "only 21,000" post. Most fans on here could care less if it was 21,000 or 40,000 because it was packed, very noisy, and a great win.
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Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Once again you don't get it. Well, once you build those skyscrapers in downtown Akron and have your big accounting firm because you attended the Harvard of the Midwest, you will begin to understand.I wasn't there because I was in Atlanta for business. I am very glad that we won. I am not being negative really. I just don't get the total apethetic feeling around Akron.BTW, what is a "suckeye"?
Not in downtown Akron, I'd probably build them in Brazil, Argentina, and in India. But I've been working on a plan for the Mayflower and have connections to investors. Don't play dumb by asking, "What is a 'suckeye,'" You know I call them that. That's like asking, "What is C.A.N.'T. state."BuckZip,Trying to use todays attendance in a negative way is not going to put a damper on anyones mood tonight. I don't think there is anything wrong with MAC fans. The problem isn't the MAC fans, it's the non-MAC fans that root for a school in ColumbusYou came onto this board tonight with your "only 21,000" post. Most fans on here could care less if it was 21,000 or 40,000 because it was packed, very noisy, and a great win.
Fair enough. You said the problem is the non MAC fans that root for a team in Columbus. That is the question I was asking. How do you think we can fix that?I personally feel you can root for 2 teams. Obviously most people disagree with that.What do you feel we can do to make these people that are following the school in Columbus follow UA?I am not trying to put a damper on anyones mood. I was simply amazed that we didn't have a sell out crowd today. Some people make it sound like I came on here and bashed the team after a good win. I never bashed the team.When I was a kid, we used to go to the Acme_Zip game and it was soldout every year. We actually had to buy tickets in advance. The school in Columbus was there then too.Where have all of theose people gone?
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"What is wrong with MAC fans?"Whether you had good intentions creating this or not. You should either justify why you created this thread with that name or apologize about it as a mistake.There are a lot of people that are going to pass judgement on you because of this. Remember that we were at the game too.

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In my opinion, the atmosphere at this game was much better than a lot of the 35,000 and 37,000 Acme-Zips games.Why? Because we didn't need a promotion or discount tickets to get a good crowd.Because the student section was outstanding.In addition, with the Bowl being so screwed up, I personally don't see how it can still hold 31,000.If the announced crowd yesterday was almost 22,000, I really don't see how they could fit 31,000 into the Bowl....even taking into account the high school bands.To quote Jim Dennison, I think some people just need a little, "PMA."

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I wasn't at the game, but the photo looks great. After about five to six years of declining attendance, it appears as if things are going in the right direction. I'm sure a lot of people bought tickets in order to get OSU tickets, but they still showed up to the game. That's fantastic. Akron should continue to play early games as they are trying. There is absolutely nothing negative about the crowd size yesterday.

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Does Toledo/BGSU sell out every time? I don't know. Does UC/Miami sell out every time? Is the MAC suddenly being held to Big10 attendance standards? At this point it's become moot. Future Can't at Akron games will be in the new stadium and will be 25K sellouts. Will BuckZip congratulate us in the future whenever we have a sellout? I don't know :moon:

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Here's my observations....I applaud the student involvement. It does indeed make for a better football atmosphere. I just hope that they keep coming in large numbers as the season progresses. I've been around this football program for nearly 30 years, and Can't/Akron games have always seemed to draw better in the past. I was at the Can't game in Can't last year, and I don't think there was a empty seat in the house.Although many sections may have looked good in a picture, there were many, many empty seats, even in the prime reserved sections on the home side, where I was sitting. I really thought that the crowd would be larger for this one.I'm sure you guys know that the 21,000 was ticket sales, and not actual people in the seats. That number is always going to be lower because of no-shows. Be careful in assuming continual sellouts just because we have a new stadium. Once the novelty of the new stadium wears off, you know that there will be people that will lose interest, and stop going.Enjoy the win. It was a great win for our program, and lets hope that the crowds can stay remotely close to this number for the remainder of the season.

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Here's my observations....I applaud the student involvement. It does indeed make for a better football atmosphere. I just hope that they keep coming in large numbers as the season progresses. I've been around this football program for nearly 30 years, and Can't/Akron games have always seemed to draw better in the past. I was at the Can't game in Can't last year, and I don't think there was a empty seat in the house.Although many sections may have looked good in a picture, there were many, many empty seats, even in the prime reserved sections on the home side, where I was sitting. I really thought that the crowd would be larger for this one.I'm sure you guys know that the 21,000 was ticket sales, and not actual people in the seats. That number is always going to be lower because of no-shows. Be careful in assuming continual sellouts just because we have a new stadium. Once the novelty of the new stadium wears off, you know that there will be people that will lose interest, and stop going.Enjoy the win. It was a great win for our program, and lets hope that the crowds can stay remotely close to this number for the remainder of the season.
if the 21,000 was just ticket sells, then the attendance had to be above 23,000. Students don't count in the ticket sells factor because we walk in showing a student ID.Blame the UA for those empty seats on the home side. They sat families with the student section. Who was the genius that wanted to put general admission with the Student Section?? Did anyone see the young boy crowd surf in the student section. that was hilarious!!!
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