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More JD to Colorado State SPECULATION


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Marketing is a little more than money and creative minds. That is absurd.The big guys don't even needs marketed. Their products sells itself.
Those two quotes tell me alot. First off, marketing's sole purpose is to push products that people otherwise wouldn't know or care about. Your example of the iPhone is a good one, if there wasn't such a buzz, it would just be another failed and ahead of its time product offered by Apple. Now, it was a fairly good product, so once people saw it they wanted it and the whole thing snowballed from there. I'm a firm believer home-field advantage. The more people you have in the stands, the better the product on the field performs. Therefore, the marketing would actually serve to improve UA's athletic teams. Also, the big boys have a product that sells itself, but it wasn't always like that. They had to build a fanbase at one point, which is where we are now. Oncewe have a substantial fanbase, the product will sell itself through the fans buying tons of gear and bringing their friends to games, and when that translates to better records because of more home wins, mentions in the media as well.
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