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Zipp vs. The Orange Blob


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Do we want Goldy or Hairy Dawg? Sound's like a "pick your poison" scenario to me.Zippy is up 119-65, but we all know that any sized lead is not safe against these guys, especially with both Goldy and HD fans voting against us.
I think I would rather face Goldielocks for 2 reasons. First, Hairy had the 2nd best record in the regular season. Second, Georgia is in a BCS bowl game and that might cause a tendency to keep their fan base in action for something like this. I say we eliminate the Dawg while we have the chance. But, of course, I'm open for debate.Another question is, how much do we want Goldy or Hairy to win by?
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Id voted for Goldy. Maybe its just my dislike for the SEC and their fans who think their craps smell of cinnamon and roses...
Ahhh the scent of cinnamon....I like, especially around the Holidays. The scent of roses.....sure they smell pretty good, too. The combined scent of cinnamon and roses??? Not sure I find that any more appealing than craps! :rofl: Just teasing you jeaglet1! I know what you mean about the SEC. But they sure do play a good brand of football.
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Wow ... didn't think Zippy would be up by almost 2500 votes 24 hours into this week's voting! Goldy is up by a little over 1500 on Hairy Dawg.It is a pick-your-poison match-up between Georgia and Minnesota. As I said many weeks back, Minnesota's size (54,000 students; 4th in the nation) scares me. BIG alumni base as well one would think. (Knock on wood ...) It's going to be interesting next week with no vote totals showing! GO ZIPPY!

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Nobody said the playoffs would be easy. Time to kick it into high gear.
Let's not blow a large, early lead like........well.......like the Mens B-Ball team did at Winthrop last night! :wall: Up by around 500 at 9:00 am.
Yeah. Even though all our teams fade down the stretch, we will keep going until the end, because we love winning.
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I have a feeling that the majority of the pro-Blob votes are actually anti-Zippy votes orginating from the state of Georgia. Do we reconsider who we vote for in Hairy vs. Goldy? For instance, what if we help Hairy get a big enough lead so that the anti-Zippy vote begins to fade? It looks like we'll have to face Hairy in the Finals anyway. I think we should make sure that ZIPPY joins him there. Anyone have an opinion?

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I have a feeling that the majority of the pro-Blob votes are actually anti-Zippy votes orginating from the state of Georgia. Do we reconsider who we vote for in Hairy vs. Goldy? For instance, what if we help Hairy get a big enough lead so that the anti-Zippy vote begins to fade? It looks like we'll have to face Hairy in the Finals anyway. I think we should make sure that ZIPPY joins him there. Anyone have an opinion?
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing johnnyzip84. I know I back off on the voting when Zippy goes up big and I would think the same would hold true for the Dawg voters or at least those who aren't set on making sure Zippy goes down. My future votes this week will be for Hairy Dawg.
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I have a feeling that the majority of the pro-Blob votes are actually anti-Zippy votes orginating from the state of Georgia. Do we reconsider who we vote for in Hairy vs. Goldy? For instance, what if we help Hairy get a big enough lead so that the anti-Zippy vote begins to fade? It looks like we'll have to face Hairy in the Finals anyway. I think we should make sure that ZIPPY joins him there. Anyone have an opinion?
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing johnnyzip84. I know I back off on the voting when Zippy goes up big and I would think the same would hold true for the Dawg voters or at least those who aren't set on making sure Zippy goes down. My future votes this week will be for Hairy Dawg.
Hairy Dawg it is. I still think he's the tougher opponent out of him and Goldy, but getting to the finals is more important right now.
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Wow ... Goldy has run out to a 2100-vote lead over Hairy. Zippy is hanging in there with a 300-vote lead. Keep voting folks! Gonna be another one of those Mondays! Spread the word to those who have voted in the past that Zippy needs another strong push this weekend and Monday morning. Gotta make the finals!

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Correct. Obviously everyone is voting against the top roo.People do that. They long to be a winner while knocking winners off their pedestal. This attack will not let up. Next week, if we get there, willthe toughest week of them all.It is best that Zippy face Goldy. Hairy Dawg gave Zippythe closest battle. But, by that last week of regular season, no one had any incentive to vote for Zippy tohelp their own mascot.Hopefully the entire Akron-Cleveland community willget out a massive vote. This is about community pride.We are all involved. Sadly, I find UA students thatdo not give a damn. Zippy is the only nonBCS mascot in the race. UA is byfar the smallest of the four remaining universities.Vote. Vote, Vote.

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Zippy is now up by more than 1000 and Goldy up by 4200...it's gonna take everyone's best effort EVERY DAY to win this thing if we can make the finals.
Someone who is concerned about this (unlike myself), and wants Goldie (Minniesota?) to win, should go to the Hawai'i bulletin board and tell them that this is Round One of the Sugar Bowl. Show them that a non-BCS school can beat them Ugla dawgs! :rolleyes: Sorry -- Go Zippy! :D
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