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Akron vs. Winthrop


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just to elaborate a little bit on what has been said so far...1. forget about ronnie coming back. from what frenchy said last night he was in uniform but couldnt even go through warmups (layup lines and such). he isnt close to coming back. you have to consider how bad of shape he is in. his timing. amoungst many other factors. you cant miss all that stuff and still be a solid pt guard.2. fan support. has nothing to do with the loss last night. just another excuse for people not to show up. look at last year... 26 wins and no one shows up to the games. nevada? just to name one. embarrassing support. 3. jimmy conyers. he should play more. but nate is not all that bad. granted, he hasnt been hitting shots, but neither has jimmy. i would consider moving one of the two to the 4 spot. when Q isnt playing well (last night) having those two in wouldnt be a bad thing. nate plays solid D and i bet that is what KD is thinking when he decides who is playing. because you arent getting any offensive production out of those two. 4. no leadership. are you kidding me? we have the best 2 guards in the league and you want to throw that out there. ced is the ultimate teammate and dials is like bill belicheck out there... always knows whats going on it seems. we just didnt play well guys. period. dont blame leadership for the lack of production. two different things. 5. ced and minutes. i agree to a point. he is hurting and it isnt that hard to see at times. we need to get him healthy. i dont know if taking some minutes away is the answer, but he needs to be healthy. because i know that KD, the team, and us fans want to win every game and see our fav. players play, we have to keep in mind that we need ced healthy for the tourny in march. 6. bardo and the frontcourt. bardo isnt going to take any pressure off of anyone. lets be honest. in everygame this year i dont think that i have seen 1 post move from him yet. if you cant make a simple post move you are lucky to be on the floor much less taking pressure off of someone. the only thing bardo can do is provide hustle. and that is where he is going to get his playing time from. hustle, rebounding, and D. but he brings no threat on the O side of things and wont. i just think that we cant win if ced and dials are off... i have noticed that when dials is in the 10+ range we win... that dates back to last year. we need him to get on track as we know and seen that he can. he is the difference and he needs to find his touch and fast. the last two outings have been lackluster for his standards at best. he has always played a great floor game, but he needs to be a hugh priortity for this offense and this team to be successful.

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i think he biggest problem is we dont have two of our point guards.i am suprised we won as many games as we did.we have no depth right now.if ced, or dials goes down we are done.does anybody know if steward is even going to play this year.maybe roberts can come in give akron some min,and let ced come off the bench.i agree let bardo play the center and see if he can develope.

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hoopla...interesting observations.Let me comment.ANY guard getting added to this lineup is going help, even if it is an inexperienced PG. If nothing else. Cedrick and Nick need one more guy to give them some rest. They are playing too many minutes, and are sometimes playing at un-natural positions. I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with point #2. We will definitely see a little bit of a downturn in attendance this year in the post Romeo/Dru era. Not as if last year was anything great to write home about.I also agree that we get great leadership from Nick Dials. Heck, I thought that in a lot of ways he was a leader last year, at least emotionally. But he was waiting his turn to take over while Dru finished his career in the backcourt. But, I think most people's concerns are that he's not the prototype ballhandler/PG that you need at the end of a game. And they may be right. But he certainly provides leadership. I don't think that Bardo necessarily takes the pressure off of anyone, in terms of producing points, rebounds, etc., to help Jeremiah. But his physical presence alone, and his ability to bang, would go a long way towards giving Wood some longevity this season.

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Heres a thought, Bardo is averageing 8.9 min a game. How many times in a game can anyone on these boards say they saw bardo touch the ball and actually shoot? I will admit there have been a couple but not many. Bardo is consistently underneath and is posted up, so pass him the ball not that hard to do. Do they? No they dont, i saw during the temple game the same situation dials thought about passing it to bardo then got this "wtf" look on his face and passed it to conyers who missed the jumper. Bardo is not going to get better unless people trust him to score points and have confidence in him. Give the kid a shot and see what the big man can do.

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well dont you think that the players would know what each of their teamates have? back when i played and as my son is being tought is if the guy has a problem catching the ball then you cant throw him the ball. to me it is PG play 101. but like i said in an earlier post and someone else has said it as well... bardo will provide hustle and a little bit of sweat. but if you want proof on his ability to put the ball in the hoop then watch the man with his touch at the line. it is like a broken sling shot. our only hope for a post presence on the O end is Q and a falling CM. other than that we have nothing.agreed with the guard position, but i think dials is doing well there (someone said 3rd best assist/turnover ratio in the league). i think that the more min. he gets there the better for him to warm up to the position. -not saying anyone thinks he isnt doing well- . to go along with your comment skip-zip, taking dials off the point probably would allow him to accept more min. and would allow him to not use so much energy at that position. not excusing his bad fg%, but that may be a reason for the downfall in the %.dials is a leader, ced is a leader. we all know that. but my point was that everyone is blaming leadership with this team after a loss. you cant just shout out leadership. and the way i listened to the game the other night, he didnt make a mistake in the end of the game. so why is his 'learning curve' hurting our team? especially last night? i think that we are looking in unrealistic places for blame and answers all around. not just with this subject. lets just let these guys grow and remember we are a MAC team, it is really a 30 game warm up for a 4 (possibly 3) game season.

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Heard threw the grapevine today at practice from coaches that Ronnie will be back late december. This is good news for us with the current point guard trouble. i actually saw him hobbling a little while shooting around with Linhart and Dials after practice. We could be getting our point guard soon. The coaches say that he will be thrown into the fire as soon as he returns, KD has alot of faith in this kid apparently. Reminds me of Dru his freshman year, I think KD is looking for another 4year point guard in Steward just as he had in Dru for four years. Its no wonder why in every publiction he compares Steward as a Joyce clone. This will allow Middleton and Dials to return to normal positions which means the real Nick Dials will be back playing comfortably. Lets see what happens because I'm excited to see this team turn it around and gain this city's confidence again.

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11. Lots of local UofA grads at the game. None of us knew each other and we all live in the area. I wish the Univeristy would have alumni organizations around the country so we could watch games on TV with like minded people. Every other school does it......and we wonder why there is no alumni support.
I'm still laughing from that one! I've been shouting this for how many years? I doubt it will happen our lifetimes.
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...bardo will provide hustle and a little bit of sweat. but if you want proof on his ability to put the ball in the hoop then watch the man with his touch at the line. it is like a broken sling shot.
Bardo is 4 for 5 from the line. Buy Jeremiah Wood one of those sling shots! Free throw shooting doesn't imply ability to score for a big man.
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if it isnt obvious between the difference in ability with wood and bardo, then this convo is over. ha. bardo has no cordination or quickness. his chance to play is to play hard. that is it.
Not at all what I said, but if you need to put words in people's mouths to try to make your points relevant, so be it.
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i think the biggest reason is we only have three guys right now to play the 1-2 spot.i think they get gassed at the end of the games,and who can blame them.plus ced is banged up.if kd can even get one of the two guys roberts,steward can give us 10min a game that would help big time.you play alott of pt,and it will take a toll at the end of the game.we just have no depth at the guard spot right now.

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