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The Ubiquitous #99!


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Jason Taylor makes his network TV analyst debut on NBC today, sitting next to Bob Costas. I'm waiting fir him to mention the potential of the great third-string QB for the Seahawks. ;) Meanwhile, this morning (Polynesian Standard time, folks), I was watching the International Bowl, and in pops ol' number 99 of the Fins, playing the anti-Mike Vick role. Jason stars in a PSA for the ASPCA -- or is it his pooch, Bear who stars? In anycase, this guy has rockets on his advertising possibilities -- the sky is the limit. Does the sports world have a player with the kind of celebrity potential of our ex-Zip? IMHO, he already is a better, more photogenic and personable on-air player than that ex-Giants brother, What'isname.I always felt JT would have a great future doing pro football on the tele. The only question is, can he make more money there than in Hollywood? And will any of it trickle down to the U of A? Please JT, help out the ol' alma mater, will ya? Please? :D

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I always felt JT would have a great future doing pro football on the tele. The only question is, can he make more money there than in Hollywood? And will any of it trickle down to the U of A? Please JT, help out the ol' alma mater, will ya? Please? :D
My understanding is Mr. Taylor has been more than generous with his donations to UofA. Far more than any other Zip ever to play in the NFL now or in the past.
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