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Let's fight about something other than the fight

Marty McFly

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OK OK...I know that we all agree that Can't State's Haminn Quaintance was classless, and we've all marked down Sunday, March 9 on our calendar's for the rematch.I was looking over the stats, and came to this conclusion. Had our backcourt played better, had we held on to the ball better and played B McKnight more, the situation with Haminn would NOT have been an issue because we would have wonLook at this wayBackcourt Shooting - McNees, Middleton and Roberts combined for 3-of-13 shooting, including 3-of-10 shooting from behind the arc. Let's just say that they make two more threes, that's a tie ball game.Turnovers - Akron had a season-high 23 turnovers. Let's just say if they have 10 less turnovers, which would put them at 13 (right around their average for the seaason) and scored on half of those possessions, that's Akron +4. (Their previous high in the turnover department was 15, and heck, the most that a UA opponent had was 23 themselves, Wyoming).Brett McKnight - True freshman plays 5 minutes and scores 10 points (that's 2 points a minutes for you Can't guys). Let's say that he plays 10 minutes, that would be 20 points, and Akron +4.Yeah we can sit and bash Can't State all that we want, but let's look in the mirror and be honest and look at the stats and the playing time of Mr. Offense, Brett McKnight, and WE WIN!!!

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OK OK...I know that we all agree that Can't State's Haminn Quaintance was classless, and we've all marked down Sunday, March 9 on our calendar's for the rematch.I was looking over the stats, and came to this conclusion. Had our backcourt played better, had we held on to the ball better and played B McKnight more, the situation with Haminn would NOT have been an issue because we would have wonLook at this wayBackcourt Shooting - McNees, Middleton and Roberts combined for 3-of-13 shooting, including 3-of-10 shooting from behind the arc. Let's just say that they make two more threes, that's a tie ball game.Turnovers - Akron had a season-high 23 turnovers. Let's just say if they have 10 less turnovers, which would put them at 13 (right around their average for the seaason) and scored on half of those possessions, that's Akron +4. (Their previous high in the turnover department was 15, and heck, the most that a UA opponent had was 23 themselves, Wyoming).Brett McKnight - True freshman plays 5 minutes and scores 10 points (that's 2 points a minutes for you Can't guys). Let's say that he plays 10 minutes, that would be 20 points, and Akron +4.Yeah we can sit and bash Can't State all that we want, but let's look in the mirror and be honest and look at the stats and the playing time of Mr. Offense, Brett McKnight, and WE WIN!!!
Yeah Nick Goddard has done that before too, does he get more playing time? Not......Coach D doesnt care about the offense like the does the defense, dont you know that by now?
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You want to be completely honest?Cant is just a tad better than we are. Plus, they were playing at home.MARTY made some excellent points. Let us resolve to fix the problem. Perhaps Darryl Roberts needs more minutes than Cedric is getting because Ced is hurt.Brett McKnight can give the Zips the second big man down low. He is a beast that needs to be unleashed. KD needs to sit a kid down when the kid is not performing. That is why we have a deep bench. I see a great future for Steve McNees, but, last night was atime to be reflecting on the bench.Bardo desperately needs more minutes. He has to improve through out the season for the Zips to have any chance in the MAC tournament.Play the kids. They did good against BGSU. They contributed against Cant. Do not be afraid to play them. Their hearts are in the game.

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Turnovers - Akron had a season-high 23 turnovers. Let's just say if they have 10 less turnovers, which would put them at 13 (right around their average for the seaason) and scored on half of those possessions, that's Akron +4. (Their previous high in the turnover department was 15, and heck, the most that a UA opponent had was 23 themselves, Wyoming).
Exactly how I explained it to a friend of mine and my son on the way home last night. You should also assume Can't scored on half of those 10 turnovers so that puts Akron at +14, no? An Akron "W" if we figure out a way to keep turnovers closer to normal. Bummer.Would LOVE to see B. McKnight turned loose as a compliment to Wood down low. Totally agree that it is time to really see whether that is something we can develop and have ready come tourney time.Love Steve M. but would have sat him down in the second half. KD said he needed his ball handling skills out there but I would have gone with Roberts and Dials. Bardo ... would probably have gotten eaten alive out there last night. Have we seen a Bardo/Wood combo out there yet? I can't remember.Milum - gotta start stepping up, even against the more physical teams. Really disappears at times and would rather see his minutes go elsewhere if that's going to be the case. Senior year - last chance to contribute meaningful minutes.
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zipfan81, come on now... goddard does it during mop up time when even the other team throws no effort out there. there is no scout or prep for those people. goddard is an issue that doesnt ever need to be brought up again. the olny way that we could talk about it is if 2 of our guards go down.the issues that need to be addressed in my mind is the t/o and post defense... we cant go through the whole year guarding post players with our guards can we?

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Bardo ... would probably have gotten eaten alive out there last night. Have we seen a Bardo/Wood combo out there yet? I can't remember.
I don't think so. I do remember KD saying Wood was better guarding at the 5 spot, so that's probably the reason.I'd be happy if ANYONE would step up to fill Romeo's old shoes at the 4 spot. I think that's the key to handling Can't and OU later and in the MAC tourney.
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I understand that it was Steve's first big game of his UA career basically, but when he's trying to force the ball into J Wood when he's double covered, one in front one in back, and carelessly throwing the ball around you gotta take him out. And the minutes Bardo was in he gave solid minutes. He definitely deserves more minutes than he received. And towards the end, prior to the little scuffle, when we desperately needed 3 point shots sub out a 4 or 5 bring in Goddard for his 3 point ability? I know his defense is lacking but we all know his shot is great. And I definitely know that the Rowdies would of enjoyed some Peanut Butter Goddard time. I know this isn't supposed to be about the fight but why didn't they get 2 technical fouls? Anytime fans are throwing stuff at players that has to be a penalty of some sort and then they had they sorry excuse of a coach rushing the court and then he gets on the PA system? I used to rec league basketball and we were told if a fight were to break out, it's our fault. The refs last night had absolutely no control of the game and were giving those thugs of players calls all night while J Wood, Ced and C.McKnight were getting pounded. Worst officiating I've ever witnessed

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Ok...I've already aired my thoughts about the thuggery and the officiating, so let comment on something else....On defense, what concerned me the most about last night was our inability to seal off the cutter coming from the weak side when Can't would get the ball in the post. How many times did they kill us with that extra pass?On offense, besides the obvious turnovers, I think our shot selection was poor. I believe that KD preaches to his guys all the time about running the offense from the inside out. I think we abandoned that last night, and just started chucking it up from the perimeter. It worked in the first half, but not as well in the 2nd. Another weapon in the post is a MUST for us. But who? I have thought on many occassions that it should be C. McKnight. After his decent showing last night, is he finally ready? Lets hope his development continues. We need to get the heat off of Jeremiah.

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You guys bring up some really good points...props to you all who see these things and thats great. Sealing off a cutter, helping on the weakside, getting help on the ballside...these things are a lot easier said than done. College is a learning for these guys, and for everyone...thats why we're here. The guys on the floor are there for a reason, and we are in the stands for a reason. Some of you might get pissed at that statement, but it's true and if you can prove me wrong...I will bow before you, and then ask why you dont play college basketball. I have a ton of respect for those guys, because while I love basketball, I'm not at their level. So I'm not sayin don't notice, or don't criticize...I can't stop you from doin that, but just keep in mind some things, and try and look at it from their side of it. (This is a peaceful post, I'm not trying to diss anyone or start anything.)

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Yes, I did mean Chris McKnight. Does anyone here really think that Brett McKnight's role this year will be to play with his back to the basket in the low post? He certainly appears to be a guy who has played his basketball facing the basket. And if that is the case, it will take time for him to make that transition, if that is the plan for him. So, basically, it won't help our problem of not having a 2nd established low post player this year.

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Here's another observation....I felt that we looked a little "slow" at one point in the 2nd half, as the pace of the game started to pick up at both ends of the floor. I then come to find out today that Dials, Middleton, and Wood each played at least 34 minutes. Could this have been part of the problem? I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone on this team usually plays that many minutes in a game.

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Here is what I want to see happen.I am hoping first of all that we can take care of business against the west now that we are headed in that direction. If we can get it done, I would like to see Dambrot give Bardo and McKnight more minutes. I think we can without seeing too much of a dropoff. By the time we get back to the east and then the tournament, hopefully we can get these guys feeling more comfortable. We need to play it strategically because I don't think this team has peaked yet.

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skipzip, i dont think that was the problem last night with the minutes to dials and wood. i think dials makes things happen all over the floor, and wood is an obvious threat on the offensive end. but i think that middleton's minutes need to be reduced just for the time being. he is obviously hurting or something. something is just not right with him lately. he is hitting shots, but he doesnt seem to have the explosiveness that we have been accustomed to from him through the past few years. so temporarly i think that reducing his minutes for the time being (until he is healthy) would be a good choice in my mind. wood gets tired out there a lot too and gets sloppy on D and with the ball, but this was a big game and you would think you would want to go down with your best men out on the floor. but any other game I would like to see around 28 minutes for wood. dials will be fine with his minutes. heck, he played the whole game last year if i remember right and 40 plus in the dayton game and was just as well off with his game. but the biggest key to me is getting middleton more rest until he gets healthy. good point skipzip, i was thinking that same thing last night when the game was going on. middleton just doesnt look himself out there lately.

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Perhaps Ced is a modern-day Samson...all his power came from the hair!Obviously, I'm trying to keep it light, but I agree that something isn't right with him. KD keeps mentioning him "hurting." I've always said that's a poor excuse for poor play...if you're hurt and can't play, then don't try to play.

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I understand that it was Steve's first big game of his UA career basically, but when he's trying to force the ball into J Wood when he's double covered, one in front one in back, and carelessly throwing the ball around you gotta take him out. And the minutes Bardo was in he gave solid minutes. He definitely deserves more minutes than he received. And towards the end, prior to the little scuffle, when we desperately needed 3 point shots sub out a 4 or 5 bring in Goddard for his 3 point ability? I know his defense is lacking but we all know his shot is great. And I definitely know that the Rowdies would of enjoyed some Peanut Butter Goddard time. I know this isn't supposed to be about the fight but why didn't they get 2 technical fouls? Anytime fans are throwing stuff at players that has to be a penalty of some sort and then they had they sorry excuse of a coach rushing the court and then he gets on the PA system? I used to rec league basketball and we were told if a fight were to break out, it's our fault. The refs last night had absolutely no control of the game and were giving those thugs of players calls all night while J Wood, Ced and C.McKnight were getting pounded. Worst officiating I've ever witnessed
AMEN, Goddard needs to be put in that situation
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I understand that it was Steve's first big game of his UA career basically, but when he's trying to force the ball into J Wood when he's double covered, one in front one in back, and carelessly throwing the ball around you gotta take him out. And the minutes Bardo was in he gave solid minutes. He definitely deserves more minutes than he received. And towards the end, prior to the little scuffle, when we desperately needed 3 point shots sub out a 4 or 5 bring in Goddard for his 3 point ability? I know his defense is lacking but we all know his shot is great. And I definitely know that the Rowdies would of enjoyed some Peanut Butter Goddard time. I know this isn't supposed to be about the fight but why didn't they get 2 technical fouls? Anytime fans are throwing stuff at players that has to be a penalty of some sort and then they had they sorry excuse of a coach rushing the court and then he gets on the PA system? I used to rec league basketball and we were told if a fight were to break out, it's our fault. The refs last night had absolutely no control of the game and were giving those thugs of players calls all night while J Wood, Ced and C.McKnight were getting pounded. Worst officiating I've ever witnessed
AMEN, Goddard needs to be put in that situation
We were talking about this afterwards and agreed that Goddard should have been put in with like a couple minutes remaining when we were down by 3 like that so that we would have a better chance of being able to hit a 3 with the way he can drill those shots to tie it up. And we Rowdies def would have loved to see some Peanut Butter Goddard time!
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I understand that it was Steve's first big game of his UA career basically, but when he's trying to force the ball into J Wood when he's double covered, one in front one in back, and carelessly throwing the ball around you gotta take him out. And the minutes Bardo was in he gave solid minutes. He definitely deserves more minutes than he received. And towards the end, prior to the little scuffle, when we desperately needed 3 point shots sub out a 4 or 5 bring in Goddard for his 3 point ability? I know his defense is lacking but we all know his shot is great. And I definitely know that the Rowdies would of enjoyed some Peanut Butter Goddard time. I know this isn't supposed to be about the fight but why didn't they get 2 technical fouls? Anytime fans are throwing stuff at players that has to be a penalty of some sort and then they had they sorry excuse of a coach rushing the court and then he gets on the PA system? I used to rec league basketball and we were told if a fight were to break out, it's our fault. The refs last night had absolutely no control of the game and were giving those thugs of players calls all night while J Wood, Ced and C.McKnight were getting pounded. Worst officiating I've ever witnessed
AMEN, Goddard needs to be put in that situation
We were talking about this afterwards and agreed that Goddard should have been put in with like a couple minutes remaining when we were down by 3 like that so that we would have a better chance of being able to hit a 3 with the way he can drill those shots to tie it up. And we Rowdies def would have loved to see some Peanut Butter Goddard time!
HooplaLooks like I am not the only one that thinks this way....
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