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Everything posted by Jamison32

  1. We didn't say anything considered "offensive" to a woman athlete. We understand that they are different that male athletes when it comes to heckling. But the ump called up to the press box and said "no use of names or numbers". So we followed that rule and used their positions when saying stuff. Then one of their coaches was way out of the coaches box and a Rowdie was yelling things about that and the ump called time and came to the cop and told him that we can only cheer about Akron. No references to Buffalo's players in any sense. No brutal things were said. We'll see what happens this Wednesday
  2. According to the cop that talked to use we were not allowed to refer to anyone/thing associated with Buffalo. We were only allowed to cheer for Akron and no negative comments about the way that invisible team our ladies were playing. We went to the game on Saturday also and the ladies performed very well also. I know a group of us are planning on stopping by between classes for some of their games on Weds. Maybe we'll have a new third base ump who will allow us to atleast say what position the opposing teams players are.
  3. given that information...wow. I thought no one could be that stupid. But still if Singletary can get away with putting innocent peoples lives in danger with a one game suspension, these girls should just get a couple games at most. But if she runs that tight of a ship they should of known better.
  4. Well then here. They went on spring break down to Daytona Beach. Being 19 and 20 year old college students they decided to drink. There were pictures of some of the players with alcohol in their hands on Facebook. A fellow team mate of theirs soon told their coach which I'm going to guess is against team rules even if it's out of season. There you go
  5. Does it have anything to do with a pillow fight and/or tickle fight?haha no it has nothing even close to that. But that would be a better story than what happened.
  6. There's been talk amongst some of us on campus who follow athletics a lot and we're pretty sure we know why. About 100% percent sure actually but I don't think that it should be said on a public forum. It's nothing close to what Singletary did, hell what they did was childs play compared to driving around drunk. I can tell you taht much
  7. They're the minutemen...So my guess is once they leave the locker room and about to come on to the floor...they'll have an accident and change their pants. wooBut I hope the Dials that can hit 3s shows up and gives us a well needed W
  8. Please tell me it has something to do with Singletary's DUI?I'm not gonna give anything away but from everyone I've talked to there is going to be a lot of signs, costumes and chants. We're getting in at 4 and not gonna be quiet until after the game. And you better believe Singletipsy is going to hear us all night long. .13 .13 .13 .13
  9. Him and the rowdies will at least something in common....no clapingSir I am insulted by your comment. We are into the entire game and are the reason that gym is even loud. But you can have your own opinion but I want you to watch the south side of the JAR tomorrow and see what some of our creative minds have came up with. If you do not laugh there is something wrong with you. But we can all agree on that Can't sucks and Akron will prevail and be victorious.
  10. Sully missed game winner with an open lane. I'm happy for Madison to finally get past RHS in the Euclid tournament. But I heard Sullivan had 28 still on the losing end. Now lets get him here as soon as possible and get his quick offense skills going
  11. Madison being my alma mater I want to see them bring back another sectional banner but I'm sure Riverside and Sullivan have something to say about this. This was the match up last year that knocked us out. Madison has quite a few big guys (Heidenreich, Dilillo, Monty, Cramb, Janz) so it would be interesting to see how well he takes it in there with some 6'7 and 6'5's in there. But watching Alex play for the past 3 years he'll just do what he has to do to keep his team in the game and get his team mates involved. And knowing Coach Moran and Staley they'll make sure that Sullivan gets contested on every shot and that Krotz or some one else is banging him around. But it should be a good game
  12. I revoke any statement I've made about Goddard and his needing to play more. He got his chance but didn't make anything. Lets hope we can do something against VCU
  13. I know that's not how basketball works but I just feel bad for the guy. The fans, well the rowdies, love him and he doesn't get any minutes. But that's how athletics work. but everyone has to respect his ability to shoot so they're gonna bring some one out to cover him so it opens up the inside a bit more. Any space could help these days. But we're really gonna need Bardo to man up like we all know he can. And Chris needs to keep stepping his game up like he has been. I just hope we make a good showing against VCU so we can get that respect we all know our boys deserve.
  14. So put him in at like 4 minute spurts. Let him stand 25 feet back and fire it up. He will hit 3 out of 5 a quick nine points take him out and bring him back in at the end of teh half. It would be awesome. But it's never gonna happen. All he needs to do is work on his defense and well maybe be able to hit a shot that is less tahn 18 feet out.
  15. I played against Alex in the District finals at Euclid Highschool last year. And he is truly a beast. He took the game over and I think went like 18-18 from the line. They won by like 4-5 but still with out him there is no way they could be as good as they are. Just his presence on the court alone makes anyone nervous up in Lake County.
  16. I personally polished my dancing shoes and have been waiting to use them. But the key to getting in is Goddard. Oh yes. Or maybe Jimmy playing some solid minutes
  17. Keys to win a basketball game against a zoneGoddard at the F on the First Energy sign. Oh yes
  18. I know I'm gonna be at the game tomorrow. Gotta support all of our Zips teams. But I saw that they advertised the OU game on Zipline also. But it definitely helps bring more students to the games. Good luck Keyla!
  19. I played against Sullivan for 3 years in highschool and no matter how you play him, straight up or a box and one or playing to white him out, he's gonna find a way to score and open up things for his team mates. He is one of the quickest players we played against. And I'm sure this year he's gotten even quicker. Not only is he a great player he's very humble and his grand parents raised him right. He's gonna fit right into the get it and go offense of the Zips.
  20. I understand that it was Steve's first big game of his UA career basically, but when he's trying to force the ball into J Wood when he's double covered, one in front one in back, and carelessly throwing the ball around you gotta take him out. And the minutes Bardo was in he gave solid minutes. He definitely deserves more minutes than he received. And towards the end, prior to the little scuffle, when we desperately needed 3 point shots sub out a 4 or 5 bring in Goddard for his 3 point ability? I know his defense is lacking but we all know his shot is great. And I definitely know that the Rowdies would of enjoyed some Peanut Butter Goddard time. I know this isn't supposed to be about the fight but why didn't they get 2 technical fouls? Anytime fans are throwing stuff at players that has to be a penalty of some sort and then they had they sorry excuse of a coach rushing the court and then he gets on the PA system? I used to rec league basketball and we were told if a fight were to break out, it's our fault. The refs last night had absolutely no control of the game and were giving those thugs of players calls all night while J Wood, Ced and C.McKnight were getting pounded. Worst officiating I've ever witnessed
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